Part 14

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Part 14

Calista’s POV

Bikes aren’t supposed to have three wheels. Penguins don’t have three feet. Chocolate isn’t supposed to be shared between three. So why the hell am I here!

I sat in the café opposite McKenzie and Matt, awkwardly staring into my hot chocolate as the two proceeded to carry out…well…‘couple-ish’ things.

“No, you’re the best babe.”

McKenzie let out a syrupy giggle so strange that I had to choke back the urge to gag. I know I should be glad for Kenzie and all but…is this how it always is with couples? Always so…sickeningly sweet?

“Oh! Cal! Guess what Mattie just thought of? We’re M & M! Like McKenzie and Matt, and the candy M&M’s! Isn’t he so smart!”

Matt’s face flushed as he hugged my friend closer to her and whispered something in her ear that caused her to giggle again.

I am feeling so much like a third wheel right now that it’s painful.

Kenzie had asked me to join her and Matt for hot chocolate and apple pie in order to cheer me up after the exhaustion of this week. I sighed to myself as I recounted what happened.


After making my resolution to ignore Evan and partaking in a blissful weekend at home, I came to school on Monday filled with confidence. Little did I know, that confidence was going to be short lived. As soon as I saw him, my plan instantly morphed from ‘ignore him’ to ‘hide from him like the chicken you are’ as I spent all of Monday ducking into different corners and rooms in order to avoid him. Tuesday was spent much the same way, only at one point I had even hid behind the garbage bins in the back garden of the school. Bad idea. Full stop. Wednesday was when things started to become a little more interesting as I was stuck hiding in the toilets for three whole periods before the principal had to come and drag me out. Let’s just say…he wasn’t too happy about that. Thursday was pretty much the same as Monday only this time I tried not to get too extravagant with my hiding places. And now, Friday. And here I am, in a café, feeling like a third wheel opposite my best friend and her boyfriend. Sipping hot chocolate and marshmallows, eating morsels of apple pie, and just feeling downright grumpy in general. Although I guess I should have expected this. I mean, Kenzie did tell me Matt was coming.

Instead of wallowing in my own self pity I sighed and tried to put on a friendly face.

“M&M. That’s really-”

My mouth hung ajar and my hot chocolate slipped from my palm. Splashing onto the table. Why, WHY does he have to make my life a living hell?! There, settling into the both in the corner of the café, was Evan. And he wasn’t alone. He was soon joined by Logan. I sat in silence for a while, staring at them before I realized McKenzie was screeching at me,

“Calista! Oh my god are you okay? Here, let me clean that up for you. I’ll pay for a new one if you want.”

“Oh! No. Uh…sorry. How clumsy of me. I-I think I’ll just go. I’m sorry. I really need to…go….somewhere. And uh-here.”

I dropped a ten dollar bill on the table before hurrying towards the door, uttering a quiet ‘goodbye’ over my shoulder to a startled McKenzie.

I managed to make my way out of the door and down an alley before it hit me. An overwhelming pain in my head like nothing I had experienced before.

It was a vision. But this time it was dark, twisted and it hurt.

/Calista! What’s going on!/

I couldn’t think. Couldn’t move as a cloud swirled around me. Clenching itself to my mind.

Nothing made sense. Nothing was clear.

I couldn’t see anything. Only red.

I screamed as I fell to the floor, clenching my fingers so tightly that the tips began to bleed. Still, I screamed. And screamed. Then the red began to clear as I realized it was moving. Forming a shape. A 12 pointed star with a cross in the middle.

I fell silent as the image slowly began to fade, then I fell forward. Only vaguely aware of a pair of warm arms wrapping themselves around me. 

***Author’s note: 200. That’s a cool number don’t you think? Lets think of sentences with 200. 200 cookies in the oven. 200 chocolate cupcakes being given to Aissa. Oh, I dunno, maybe…



Thx again you guys. And thx for not being too dissapointed at my bad uploading schedule. ;) And although I dropped off the What’s Hot List :’( *sigh* I’m sure that if I try, and you guys help me out, I can get back on it! :D SoVote, Comment, Fan!

Eat loads of chocolate & cookies!



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