Be Careful What You Do on YouNow

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Summary: Phil and Dan accidently kiss during one of their live shows.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,025 


„That was an amazing show. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Shout out to Sarah G.“ I continued reading names from the chat out, Dan doing the same with the names I forgot. I glanced over to him, studying the beautiful features of his face. His shining eyes, the colour of sweet, melted chocolate. His plumb, pink lips, curved into a cheeky smile. His adorable dimples, showing whenever he smiled. Even though we have already been together for more than a year, it still amazed me how unbelievable perfect he was.

Dan nudged my knee slightly, ripping me out of my thoughts. I blushed slightly as I realized he had caught me staring, which wasn’t as bad. The fact that we were live for over 7,000 people was though.
“Alright. Bye Guys. Have a nice evening”, I smiled into the webcam and made that cheesy heart-thing with my hands. Dan copied my movements and then hit the button to end the live show. 

As soon as I was sure it had ended it I literally threw myself onto Dan’s lap, pulling him into a warm and loving embrace. 
“Why, hello there”, Dan giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist, bumping his forehead softly into mine. 
I nuzzled our noses together affectionately and slightly pecked his lips, quickly pulling away again. 
“That’s everything I get after one whole hour without being able to just kiss or hug you?”, Dan complained, giving me his best pout. 
I laughed, my tongue sticking out at the corner of my mouth and slowly leaned in again, this time meeting Dan’s lips in a proper kiss, our lips moving in sync. 
“Happy now?”, I murmured against my boyfriend’s lips after a few moments of silent kissing. 
Dan smiled sweetly and nodded eagerly. “Very Happy.” With that he pecked my lips a last time, before eventually pulling back, grabbing his laptop from the coffee table and turning back into his “internet-position” from earlier. 
“Do you want a hot chocolate?”, I asked and stood up, making my way to the kitchen. 
“Yes, please”, Dan pleaded, smiling at me sweetly, showing off his dimples. 
The warm, bubbly feeling in my stomach started overwhelming me again and I giggled happily. 
Loving someone who loves you back feels indescribable amazing.

I quickly made two cups of hot chocolate, of course leaving all the cupboard doors open, and walked back into the lounge.
“Phiiiil!”, Dan squealed excitedly as he saw the steaming cups in my hands. I laughed and carefully placed them on the coffee table, as Dan was still on his laptop and I didn’t want him to accidently spill the hot liquid on it.  
Dan rolled his eyes, placing the laptop next to him on the sofa and taking the cup happily in both of his hands. 
I giggled slightly at my boyfriend’s adorable behaviour, sitting down next to him and taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Smiling at the sound of my laughing, Dan wrapped one arm around me so I could cuddle up on his side if I want to, which I of course did. 
"You’re amazing at making hot chocolate", Dan complimented me, after taking a few sips. I smiled satisfied, happy he liked it, and carefully moved my cup to the coffee table. 
"I’m glad you like it", I answered, wrapping both of my arms around Dan, leaning my head on his shoulder, kissing it affectionately. 
"Someone’s more cuddly than usual", Dan commented amused, but returned my fondness by softly kissing the top of my head. 
I purred in appreciation and slowly let my eyes shut close, getting quite tired due to the comfortable position I was in, and of course the last night I spent with watching re-runs of Dr. Who snuggled up with Dan. 
"N’aww, go to sleep, love. I’ll carry you to bed later", Dan murmured, when he saw me yawning. He reached over me and gingerly wrapped a blanket around us, but mostly just around me. 
"Love you", I mumbled, before eventually welcoming the much needed sleep.
"I love you too, Phil", that was the last thing I heard before drifting of into a deep and calm slumber.   


I woke up about an hour later, feeling familiar fingers softly fondling my hair. 
"Good morning, beautiful. Well, actually night, as it’s around 10pm", Dan greeted me after I opened my eyes slowly, grinning down at me cheekily. I giggled and slightly lifted my head so I could reach his lips, capturing them in a sweet and loving kiss. 
"What were you doing?", I asked curious, as neither the TV was on nor was he on his phone. 
"Just watching some videos", he gestured to the MacBook on his lap, which only then I realized was there. 
"Anything new on our tags on Tumblr? Another drama?", I asked. 
"I don’t know. I haven’t checked since our live show, but let’s do it now, if you want", Dan suggested, already typing in the URL and when the site had loaded, clicking on the AmazingPhil tag. I curiously read the first post, getting rather confused by it.

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