Cuddles and Salty Kisses

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Summary: Dan and Phil decide to go and see a movie to keep their romance alive.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,379


I have always had a thing for romance - cheesy, clichéy, soppy romance.  
No matter if it was going for a walk in the moon light with the one you love by your side. Or having dinner in an overpriced restaurant, secretly holding hands under the table. Or if it was just cuddling on a lazy Sunday afternoon, doing nothing at all but talking and maybe exchanging little kisses. 
So of course, me being that romantic and maybe a little bit clingy, I’d always feared I would scare away possible boyfriends and it really had seemed like I was right, because every person I was in a relationship with, had left me again at some point. I thought I’d die in company of ten cats instead of a husband or something

Until I met Dan, that is.

Dan, who was just as soppy and romantic as I was myself. Who would wake me up in the middle of the night just because he found the stars were shining particularly bright that night and he wanted me to see them and maybe sit with on the balcony of our flat and just watch them for a bit. 
Sweet, perfect Dan who tolerated and loved every stupid and silly thing I had ever done and would probably continue doing just to show him how much I loved him. Like writing a 5-page-long letter, listing every little thing I loved about Dan. Or that one time I stayed up until midnight (despite having slept only three hours the previous night) because I wanted to be the first to wish him a happy birthday.
There were so many things Dan and I did to show how much we loved each other and whenever we felt like we needed a little something to keep our romance alive, we’d just do something really cheesy and couple-like. 

So that’s how we ended up in the soft and squishy seats of a dim-lighted cinema, waiting for the Disney movie we had chosen to start.

"It’s a good thing we decided to come in the evening, at least there are no crying children here," I mumbled, glad I had listened to Dan. Not that I had something against children because I didn’t, but it was just really, really annoying if they kept crying and screaming during a whole movie (which I had experienced once and I really didn’t want that to repeat). 
"Yeah, told you no one’s going to watch movies with their children at 10pm," Dan grinned, pushing his 3D-glasses, which just wouldn’t properly stay on his nose, back before shuffling around a bit and getting comfortable in his seat. 
He looked adorable in those glasses, really damn adorable and I just couldn’t help myself but lean to the side a bit and cup Dan’s cheek with my hand, pulling his face just that little bit closer so I could place a sweet kiss onto his pink lips.
However, my plan was interrupted by Dan’s glasses bumping into my own, making me giggle and Dan huff in annoyance. Apparently he had really been looking forward to that kiss. 
"Looks like we can’t kiss while wearing them," I chuckled, tapping Dan’s glasses before turning my attention to the big screen in front of us, which was still showing adverts for other movies. 
"Phi-il," Dan whined, pouting a little bit, but I tried my best to ignore his face just to tease him a little bit. He sounded a lot like a little whiny kid who wanted some sweets and couldn’t get them and I couldn’t help but smile at Dan’s behaviour. Despite being almost 22, Dan really behaved like a child from time to time, even more then I did.
"Aww, does my baby want some kisses?" I cooed, turning my gaze back to Dan again, grinning when I noticed his lips were still pursed.  
Dan nodded, trying to look need-y and pout-y, knowing I usually gave in whenever he looked like that, giving him kisses and cuddles if he wanted them. But who could blame me? It was impossible to say no if Dan pulled that face. 
"Come here, Danny," I giggled, trying to keep my voice quiet as the movie was about to start and I didn’t want to annoy the few other people in the cinema. 
I wrapped my arms around Dan’s torso and pulled him closer - well, as close as you can in those seats - before slowly leaning in. 
"You look so cute in those glasses. Such a shame kissing is kind of hard with them," I teased, our lips brushing and touching whenever a word left my mouth. 
Dan whimpered silently, flinging his arms around my neck to bring me just that little bit closer. Before I could do anything to tease him further, Dan quickly pushed our lips together, completely  ignoring that our glasses once again bumped together.I couldn’t help but giggle at Dan’s eagerness before kissing him back softly, moving my lips softly on his.
After a few moments of innocent kissing, I gently started nibbling on Dan’s lower lip, grazing my tongue over it every so often, not really intending to add tongues to our kiss but just doing it for that little bit of enjoyment.
However, when I felt Dan parting his lips, welcoming my tongue in his mouth, I didn’t say no but slowly moved it against his in a lazy fashion. Dan copied my movements, kissing me back just as lazy, though it still was a perfect kiss. 
Every kiss was though. I loved kissing Dan. There was just something about the way our lips seemed to fit just perfectly and always moved in the right way. Kissing Dan was pure bliss and it was almost impossible to pull back once we were both really engulfed in it. 

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