Feel The Sunshine

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Summary: Dan’s promised to go to his brother’s soccer game but starts to get bored there. That is, until he bumps into someone and spills his drink.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,927


Dan was bored, to say the least. 
He had agreed going to his little brother’s soccer game not because he wanted to or because he found it interesting to watch, no. He had agreed because he really loved Adrian and he knew how much it would mean to him if his big brother came to watch him playing soccer. 
So Dan had told him he would go because it was his last game before summer break after all and he just wanted to make his little brother smile.

Now though, he slowly started regretting his decision because the sun was burning down and he was sweating and he was just not interested in soccer at all. 
One might think him being 15 years old and a boy, would make Dan like soccer or sports in general, but it didn’t. He hated sports and any kind of physical exercise for that matter and he would much rather spend his day inside in front of his TV and play some Skyrim or Mario or Sonic. Anything that didn’t require moving his butt and going outside. 
But here he was, out in the bright light of the sun, sitting on the stands and occasionally cheering for his brother, although he felt really stupid doing so.

It also really fucking bothered Dan that he was pretty much the only teenager here. Everyone else was either 10 or younger or at least 30. If only he’d have persuaded one of his friends to come with him, it wouldn’t be too bad. At least he’d have someone to talk to. 
But since all of his friends had other plans, such as going to the public swimming pool or hanging out at someone’s house, Dan was left alone with his boredom.

Dan let his gaze wander over all the people on the side of the field he was sitting at, hoping he’d maybe see someone he knew although he hadn’t the five times he had checked before, so it was pretty unlikely he would now. But he was desperate and bored and hot and he really wanted to just go home. However, Dan knew he would get in a hell lot of trouble if he left the game before it was over. Especially his mother would be pissed, as he had promised to stay until the end.

Shuffling around in his seat he tried his hardest to get comfortable somehow. But it seemed hopeless, because the seat he was sitting on was just plain hard and uncomfortable and he really didn’t understand how everyone else seemed to be able to sit there for an hour and a half without getting pissed. Dan sure was tempted to jump up and throw a few swear words around him, but maybe the reason for his bad mood was just the heat he wasn’t used to at all. 
After all he lived in England – cold, rainy, cloudy England – where the sun was pretty much a myth, but of course it had to shine exactly when Dan for once had decided to go outside.

Dan tried to distract himself from everything that got his mood down and looked to the other side of the field instead. Maybe a player from the other team had brought someone with them who was the same age as Dan. Although it seemed pretty unlikely Dan still gazed over to all the cheering and smiling people, trying to make out if any of them was his age. 
And to his surprise, right in the middle of the stands opposite from him sat a boy who most likely was as old as him; maybe a year or two older. And holy shit, Dan couldn’t help but stare for a little while.

Even from the distance he could make out that the boy was utterly gorgeous. His hair was midnight black and cut in a similar style as Dan’s; his fringe almost covering both of his eyes, although he occasionally brushed it away and tugged it behind his ears, which in Dan’s opinion made him look really fucking cute. 
But no, he wasn’t supposed to think about another boy in that way, was he? He was into girls after all. Being gay was a sin and disgusting, according to the guys in his school that is. Although Dan never really understood what actually was wrong about liking someone from the same gender (because honestly, you can’t decide who you like, can you?) he just accepted what everyone said and decided to not like boys, ever.

But when he looked over at the boy sitting exactly opposite from him he couldn’t help but find him extremely cute and handsome and Dan really wished he could talk to him and get to know him and maybe become friends. 
He shook his head, confused by his thoughts. No! Why would he think that? For all Dan knew the guy could be a total dick.

He was just being stupid. The sun was probably getting too much for him. Maybe he should go buy something to drink or at least move out of the bright, hot sun beams. Yes, that’s a good idea, get something to drink.
Dan swiftly stood up and made his way down the stairs until he finally had proper ground under his feet again. 
After paying for a cup of coke and some crisps, Dan swiftly turned around and was about to head over to one of the bigger trees around the field to sit in the shadows and cool down a bit, when he suddenly bumped into another person. The impact of the collision sent Dan falling backwards and the cup slopped over so all the liquid landed exactly on his chest, making his shirt wet, sticky and all in all just really uncomfortable.
Great, really.

“What the fu-“

The word caught in Dan’s throat when he looked up and noticed who exactly he had run into. Oh no, this couldn’t be real. 

“Shit. I’m sorry. Are you alright, mate?”

Dan couldn’t do anything but stare. He had run straight into the black-haired guy he had noticed before and holy shit, Dan really shouldn’t think like that, but he was even more handsome from close-up and those eyes. They were such a beautiful, deep-blue shade Dan could feel himself drowning in them. 
He slowly shook his head. No, no, no, no. 
The guy wasn’t beautiful or gorgeous or handsome, no. He was just a boy Dan had met and he definitely wasn’t anything he had thought. Dan was straight and not at all attracted to him. 

“I’m okay, don’t worry.”

Dan jumped onto his feet eventually and looked at the guy, all of sudden becoming really shy. Which was really fucking weird, because Dan was never shy. Never ever. Not around pretty girls he liked and certainly not around boys. But here he was looking at the black-haired boy, his hands shaking and his mouth dry.

“Sorry for ruining your t-shirt. I should really look were I’m going.”

“It’s okay, it wasn’t my favourite anyway.”

And Dan really couldn’t care less about his t-shirt, because all he could think of when he looked at the other boy, was how incredible soft his lips looked and how much he’d like them to feel on his own.

“I’m Phil by the way.”

“Dan. Nice to meet you.”

They shook hands and Dan tried his best not to blush when he felt Phil’s soft hand against his own. He mentally slapped himself when he caught himself thinking how much he wanted the boy’s hand to stay in his own for a little longer. 

“You know, about the shirt. I can borrow you one of mine if you want. I live just down the road.”

“No, it’s okay really. You don’t have to. I can just stay in the sun and wait until it’s dry.”

“Come on, Dan. I’ll feel bad if I can’t make up to you somehow.”

Dan studied Phil’s face for a moment and before he could decide if he really wanted to go home with some stranger towards he seemed to have really, really strange feelings, his mouth was already open and he agreed.
Moments later they were walking down the road, the sun still shining relentlessly, making Dan’s eyes heavy and sleepy. Another reason why he hardly left the house whenever the sun was out: No matter how much he had slept the night before it made him really fucking sleepy. 
And since Dan had spent the last night mostly with playing Sonic, it was especially bad today. 

After talking with Phil for a little while, Dan decided that he wasn’t a dick at all as he had previously thought and that he actually was really nice. They had a lot of stuff in common as well; video games, films, books. 
And although the sun was almost killing Dan with its heat and the sticky shirt almost made him want to jump into a fountain, Dan honestly wouldn’t have minded walking with Phil a little longer. However, after walking a few more feet Phil stopped in front of a house and swiftly dragged Dan inside, probably wanting to escape the sun just as much as Dan himself wanted. 

“I guess you’ll probably want to shower first. I can imagine being soaked in Coke isn’t too much fun, is it?” 

Phil grinned at Dan cheekily, his tongue poking out at the corner of his mouth and it took all of Dan’s strength to not jump forward and attack the boy’s lips with his own.

“It’s not, no. A shower would be nice.”

“The bathroom is just up the stairs, first door to the left. You can use whatever shower gel you want and I’ll leave you some clothes at the door, alright?” 

Dan nodded and then swiftly made his way upstairs, wanting nothing more than finally get rid of his sticky clothes. He showered quickly, trying not to waste too much water; after all it wasn’t his house he was in and he soon stepped out, wrapping a big, fluffy towel around himself. 
Taking a shower definitely was a good idea. Dan felt a lot fresher now and also more awake. 
After checking that his towel covered his private areas, Dan opened the door and quickly snatched the pile of clothes lying in front of it. He put them on, noticing in delight that they had pretty much the same size and also the same taste in clothes. 
Dan sighed when he looked into the mirror and noticed the curls his hair was forming into like it always did when it got wet. After running his fingers through it a couple of times, he decided he didn’t give a fuck and would just let it be. After all he didn’t want to impress Phil or anything, right? 
He ruffled his hair one last time before walking out of the bath room, feeling really awkward when he realized he had no idea where Phil was. Before he could start panicking though, he heard a door open and then saw Phil emerging. 

“You look better in my clothes than I do, I’m offended.”

Dan couldn’t supress the blush that made its way onto his face and he quickly hid behind his fringe, hoping Phil hadn’t noticed. 
But of course he had. 
Next thing Dan felt were Phil’s fingers against his face, gently brushing the hair out of his eyes and lingering at his cheeks for a little longer before he pulled back. 

“You’re pretty cute when you blush.”

Phil chuckled when he noticed his comment only made Dan’s cheeks a fair few shades of red darker. 

“Let’s go watch some TV, yeah?”

Before Dan could answer, he was already dragged down the stairs and Phil gently pushed him onto the sofa before walking over to a shelf which was filled with hundreds of DVDs. Phil chose one and put it into the DVD player.

“We’re not actually going to watch High School Musical, are we?”

Dan raised his eyebrow as he noticed the familiar intro and Phil sat down next to him; a tiny bit closer than you’d expect two guys who had met only an hour ago to sit. But Dan was okay with it, because by now it was almost impossible to deny that he was kind of really attracted to Phil despite having met him just today. 
Phil was attractive – there was no way one could deny that – and he was also immensely cute and adorable. They shared so many interests and had the same kind of humour. How could Dan not be attracted to him? 

“Of course, we are. You said earlier that the last time you’ve seen it was years ago. And now shut up and enjoy.”

Dan shook his head in amusement but shut his mouth anyway, glad that Phil hadn’t chosen a horror movie or something similar. High School Musical was alright compared to that. 
20 minutes into the movie and Dan could feel Phil edging a tiny bit closer to him. He didn’t know if it was on purpose or by accident, but he smiled nevertheless. 
Perhaps Phil felt the same kind of urge to touch the other as Dan felt. Perhaps he also felt the weird tension between them. Perhaps he was just as attracted to Dan as he was to him. 

And when Dan felt Phil’s hand on his own, gently caressing the skin, he was almost sure that there definitely was something between them; something special even. Because hell, he had never thought about guys in that way and he had never felt towards someone like this and maybe his thoughts were wrong and what he was thinking about doing was a sin but Dan honestly didn’t give one fuck. 
He gathered all his courage together and swiftly turned his hand around, entwining Phil’s fingers with his own, a smile creeping onto his face when he realized that Phil’s side was now pretty much pressed against his own; their thighs and arms touching and every touch sending shivers down Dan’s spine.

He hesitated a little moment before he turned his head and looked at Phil, grinning as he noticed that the other was already gazing at him, his lips also curled up into a smile. 

“You looked especially cute with curly hair, you know that?”

“Shut up.”

“It’s true though.”

“No it’s not.”

“Believe me it is.”

“Shut up, Phil.” 

“Make me.”

Dan raised his eyebrow at Phil’s grinning face. Did he actually just suggest what Dan thought he did? 
Dan gulped, searching Phil’s eyes for uncertainty. Did he really want that?
When he couldn’t find anything but want in the other’s eyes, Dan slowly started leaning in, releasing his grip onto Phil’s hand to bring his own up to the other’s slightly flushed cheeks.  
He gently caressed the soft skin beneath his fingers, still studying Phil’s blue eyes as he leaned even closer until their noses bumped together, making the both of them giggle nervously. 
Dan then closed his eyes and quickly closed the gap between their lips before he could chicken out.

Phil’s lips were nothing like Dan had ever tasted. He had kissed girls before, even made out with them, but none of them had lips as soft and skilled as Phil’s. 
When he slowly started moving them against Dan’s, it was the perfect mix between gentle and passionate and Dan knew it should have felt weird to kiss another guy, but it didn’t. It felt amazing, wonderful, perfect. It felt like their lips were meant to meet and move against. And that thought made Dan smile, which lead to Phil smiling as well and soon they had to pull away because kissing and smiling didn’t work too well at the same time. 


“I know right…”

Dan dropped his hands from Phil’s face and moved backwards until his back hit the armrest, all of sudden feeling really shy and self-conscious again. 
He had just kissed Phil, a boy he had met only hours ago. Dan was confused, really really confused, because that was nothing he’d usually do. He would never even think about kissing someone had had only just met, especially not a guy. But here he was, kissing Phil and really enjoying it for God’s sake. 

“You alright?” 

Phil looked at Dan concerned, obviously sensing that something was wrong and Dan felt really bad because there was no reason for Phil to worry. Dan was just being stupid like always. 
He struggled to find the right words, but immediately looked up when he felt Phil’s hand on his own again.

“Yeah.” He breathed out, smiling at Phil.

Maybe it wasn’t something he’d usually do, maybe it was wrong to kiss another guy, maybe it was wrong to kiss someone he had only met. But quite frankly, Dan didn’t give one single fuck, because Phil’s lips against his own felt like heaven and his touches felt even better and he should just stop over-thinking and enjoy Phil’s presence.

“I’m more than alright.”

With that Dan leaned over once again and gently pressed their lips together in another slow and hesitant kiss. It felt just as good as the first one, maybe even a little bit better because Dan had eventually accepted that he liked Phil in more than one way and he didn’t care at all that they had only just met because when he felt the other’s lips on his own he knew Phil felt just as overwhelmed as he did.

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