The Interstate, My Home Tonight

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Summary: Dan and Phil decided to go on a roadtrip through the USA with Chris and PJ.

Warnings: drug use

Word count: 10,000


It’s three in the morning and Phil and Dan really should be sleeping right now because it’s Wednesday and they have to be in school in about 5 hours.

Sleeping, however, is the last thing on their minds because Phil is staying over at Dan’s house for the first time in months as they have both been busy as fuck with their A-levels and applying for summer jobs and it’s just nice to be in each other’s company again without the constant thoughts of grades and money circling through their heads.

“Do you ever think about how we are all basically just wasting our lives away?” Dan asks suddenly, props himself up on his elbows to glance at Phil, who is sprawled out on the floor, head resting on a pillow – the last reminder of the pillow fight they got into few hours prior.

“What do you mean?” Phil inquires, gazing at Dan curiously.

But he of course doesn’t ask about the motives behind Dan’s question at all. Because they are the kind of friends that just start to question the meaning of live and their whole existence when the sun is down and they run on nothing but coffee and energy drinks, and maybe they really shouldn’t do that all the time because the only thing resulting from it is incoherent, weird conversations about space and shit but Dan- well, Dan kind of really likes that he can talk to Phil about stuff like that, because Phil understands him completely and they kind of connect on a deeper, meaningful level.

“Like, I don’t know.” Dan shrugs unsurely. “It’s just- Our whole life consists of going to school, then going to work and then eventually dying. And it’s a wasted opportunity. I mean, life holds such wonderful things, so many experiences to make.” He says, eyes glinting at the thought of travelling and exploring the world and Dan has to admit that he has always been very keen to see more of the world.

“So many places to visit.” He continues. “And most of us will never experience any of this because there is not enough money or not enough free time and it just kind of sucks, you know.”

Phil nods, thoughtfully. “I know exactly how you feel. But- but we can’t exactly change anything about it, can we?”

Dan sighs. “Not really, no.”

“How comes you’re thinking so much about this?” Phil asks then and Dan smiles a little bit because Phil knows him so well and it’s hardly a task for him to notice how eager he sounds and Phil just knows that it must have been on Dan mind for longer than he would like to admit.

“My mum.” Dan replies quietly. “She keeps bugging me about universities and shit. Like, bloody hell, I haven’t even gotten my exam results yet. Who says I will be able to get in one, anyway?”

“Mine’s none the better.” Phil mumbles grimly. “She keeps telling me how important it is that I work throughout summer vacation. That I will need all the money I can get for uni. She doesn’t even consider that I might want to relax for once.”

“Life sucks.” Is all Dan replies and he really does mean it. Because in spite of how good he has it, Dan is still not happy with his life; not at all. It’s like there is something missing, something big and important, that he can’t quite seem to grasp. It’s unnerving.

“But-“ Phil exclaims, scrambling to his feet. “You still have me, so it can hardly be as bad.” He grins, taking a few steps back before making a jump at Dan’s bed, crashing on the boy with a loud thud.

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