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Summary: The trampoline in his backyard is Phil’s happy place and for nothing in the world would he trade the memories he made in it.

Warnings: mentions of rape 

Word count: 6,083

Inspired by: Trampoline by Never Shout Never


8 years old

"Dan. Dan. Dan. You won't believe what my parents got me for my birthday." Phil squeals, gripping his best friend's wrist to drag him from the front door out to his backyard.

Phil’s birthday had been two days ago but Dan came back from vacation with his parents and his little brother only today, so Phil has yet to show off his awesome present.

"I had no idea they'd actually buy it. I thought I'd just get some games and sweets because they’re cheaper…” He rambles as his fingers fiddle with the lock of the back door. When he finally pulls it open, he looks over to Dan, only to see him staring at his present in astonishment.

“They got you a trampoline?!” He exclaims, eyes twinkling with excitement.  “Oh. My. God.”

“Exactly my reaction.” Phil chuckles, jumping up and down as he claps his hands. Quickly closing the door behind them, he pulls Dan over to the entrance, a huge grin on his face. Phil has of course used the trampoline already, but things are just a lot more fun when he can share them with Dan.

“Are we allowed to use it?” Dan asks unsurely, eyes wide as he watches Phil unzip the net.

“Of course. Dad said it’s safe as long as we always do the zip up while we’re in.” Phil grins, sitting down on the floor to take his shoes off. He’s glad his parents trust him enough to let him and Dan use the trampoline on their own.

“Well, if your dad says it’s okay…” Dan trails off, grinning now as he starts to remove his shoes as well.

All the while Phil pulls himself up onto the trampoline and quickly scrambles to his feet again, knowing Dan might need his help to climb up, considering that he’s a little bit smaller and not quite as strong as Phil. Dan takes his hand gratefully and heaves himself up onto the trampoline, immediately holding out both of his arms to balance his weight. 

“Won’t make much of a difference.” Phil chuckles, watching Dan with a smirk before swiftly zipping up the net and closing the entrance. “You’re just too clumsy for your own good.”

“Oh, be quiet.” Dan pouts, crossing his arms in front of his chest to show that he is not clumsy and can indeed stand still without help. “Look. I’m okay.”

Phil giggles, well aware that Dan hates getting teased about his inability to do the simplest things without falling over. “Sure, Dan. Sure.”

Without a second thought he lungs forward and throws himself at Dan, tackling him down to the mat with ease. 
“Not so steady now, are we?” He mocks, sitting down on Dan’s thighs to keep him down.

“Phi-il.” Dan whines, pushing his hands against the older’s chest. “Of course I’m going to fall down when you jump on me.” He tries to sound angry but Phil knows him well enough to look through that masquerade.

“True that.” Phil grins, rolling off of Dan and instead lies down next to him. It's much more comfortable anyway and Phil enjoys just lying next to Dan. It's relaxing.

“Phil?” Dan mumbles after a few minutes of silence, tilting his head to look over to his best friend.

“Huh?” Phil replies but keeps watching the clouds moving in the sky.

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