Stomach Tied in Knots

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Summary: Dan gets sick in the middle of the night and Phil has to take care of him and take him to the hospital.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,662


Dan couldn’t sleep. 
In fact, he couldn’t do anything at all without wanting to scream out in pain. While he usually wasn’t one for whining because of a head ache or pain in his foot, after hitting his toe for the millionth time, Dan honestly wanted nothing more than to scream and shout at his stomach for aching so badly. 
The pain had come suddenly and without any prior warning. 
One moment Dan had been on his laptop, laughing at the comments on his newest video, the next moment he was huddled up in a ball on the end of his bed, whimpering as the pain slowly spread from his stomach out through his whole body. Pretty much what a girl must feel like on her period. 
But Dan was neither a girl nor was he on his period (obviously); there had to be another reason for the awful ache in his stomach, but he just couldn’t think of any.

Hoping that maybe the internet could give him answers to his question, he carefully sat up in a sitting position and dragged his laptop onto his thighs, wincing as his stomach protested and the pain redoubled. 
"Ugh, fuck," Dan muttered under his breath quickly typing his problem into the Google search bar, hoping for the best. 
After looking through hundreds of posts Dan still had no answer as for why his stomach was aching, most of the people saying that he was probably going to die or something, which was of course bullshit. Getting results like that was the reason why Dan hardly used Google when he felt ill and didn’t know why, but he was desperate and just wanted the pain to stop and fall asleep, for fuck’s sake. 

Unfortunately, his body was having differently plans as it sent another wave of pain through Dan’s body, making the boy yelp and launch himself forward. He desperately clawed onto his bed sheets as sweat began to form on his forehead, slowly trickling down on the side of his gleaming face. 
After closing his laptop and pushing it onto his bed side table, Dan took a few deep breaths and carefully turned around so he was lying on his stomach, his face pressed into the fluffy pillow stifling the groans of pain leaving his mouth. 
Another almost unbearable wave of pain washed over him, leaving Dan in a mess as the insides of his stomach turned and twisted. He managed to rush out of his room to the toilet just before the content of his stomach made their way out of his mouth leaving nothing but a gross taste back. 
Dan flinched slightly as he felt a hand soothingly rubbing his back, but soon recovered as he realised it was only his flatmate Phil.

"Dan? Are you okay? What’s wrong?," the boy asked in panic, pressing the back of his hand to Dan’s heated forehead. “Jesus Christ, you’re literally burning." 
Dan yelped in surprise as he once again had to bend over the toilet, clutching it tightly as he threw up, his gullet painfully burning already.  
"Phiiil, make it stop," Dan whimpered, making Phil’s heart painfully wrench in his chest. He hated seeing his best friend in so much pain. 
"You have to tell me what’s wrong to make it better," Phil insisted, helplessly watching as Dan slid down next to the toilet, burring his head into his hands. 
Sitting down next to his best friend’s shaking body, Phil swiftly pulled the boy into his lap and hugged him tightly while soothingly caressing his back. 
"My stomach… It hurts so much," Dan whined, clutching onto Phil’s shirt as he rested his head against the other’s chest. “It feels like I’m dying.."
Phil gulped as he listened to Dan’s words, panic slightly building up in the depths of his stomach. Dan certainly wasn’t going to die, was he? 
"How about we get a cab to the hospital and get your stomach checked there to see what’s wrong, huh?" Phil mumbled into Dan’s hair, trying to keep calm, although he was freaking out on the inside.
Dan nodded weakly before pulling himself together and eventually getting back onto his feet again with Phil’s help.

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