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Summary: Phil and Dan have been together for some time and think about some of their favourite memories together. 

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,034

Based on: Happy by Never Shout Never


„I can’t believe it took us that long to see we’re meant to be”, I mumbled and snuggled up closer to Dan, who happened to not only be my best friend, but also my boyfriend.
We were lying on a comfy blanket in a small, hardly visited, but still immensely beautiful park just outside from London at that moment, cuddling with each other and just looking at the, except for a few little clouds, completely flawless light blue sky.  
“Mhm”, Dan agreed, intertwining his soft, slender fingers with my own giving my hand a little squeeze. 

The first time we saw each other, when a mutual friend introduced us, he immediately caught my eye. How he always fumbled with his chestnut-brown hair, his fringe just long enough to fall into his eyes. How his dimples showed up whenever his lips curled into a smile. How his eyes sparkled every time he talked to me.  
Why did I not see, the boy I adore was right in front of me? When I look at the both of us now, I really ask myself why it took us so long to see how madly in love we were. It was so obvious.
The day I realized I felt more for my best friend than friendship, I tried really hard to suppress it, which didn’t turn out that well. It only made me want him even more. So I accepted my feelings, and instead of ignoring Dan I gradually started to spend every waking minute with him. I tried to impress him, tried to be the person he want. Of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Dan. 

“Remember the day I tried to make pancakes to impress you and almost burnt our kitchen down?”, I laughed at the memory and smiled at Dan lovingly. 
“Of course. How could I forget the day you confessed your feelings for me?" Dan replied and lifted his head to catch my lips in a sweet, short kiss. 


I flipped over another pancake, patiently waiting for Dan to wake up, so he would see what I had managed to do. He always complained how he had to do most of the cooking all the time. That’s why I decided to surprise him and make breakfast for once. I wasn’t even half as good at cooking as Dan was, but I gave my best. 

When the last pancake was finished and ready to be eaten, the door to his room finally opened and a very sleep-looking Dan slowly made his way to the kitchen. 
“Morning sunshine. Are you up for some pancakes?”, I greeted him, my face heated up slightly as the pet name slipped from my lips. Dan fortunately didn’t notice though, he just skipped over to the breakfast bar and took a seat. 
“Morning. Why are you up that early?”, he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes. 
I laughed and put the pancakes on two plates, placing one in front of Dan. “Considering that it’s already 11am, I’m not exactly up early. Want some coffee?”
Dan nodded, flashing his dimples by smiling at me. “Hm, true. How comes you made breakfast?”, he asked, pointing at the plate in front of him. 
“Dunno. You said you don’t want to cook all the time, so I did today”, I answered, making two cups of coffee and sitting down next to Dan, after getting the other portion of pancakes for me. 
“Thank you”, Dan smiled at me and gratefully took the cup of coffee from my hand. “You didn’t have to though. I don’t really mind cooking all the time. It’s fun, really.”

We spent the rest of eating breakfast in silence, until Dan spoke up again. “Phil? Did you leave anything on the hob?”, he asked alarmed. 
I thought a moment and then shook my head, confused by his sudden mood swing. “I don’t think so. Why?” 
“Because it smells a lot like something’s burning”, Dan jumped up and skipped over to the oven, inspecting it carefully. 
“Jesus Christ, Phil, you muppet. You left a tea towel on the hot hob”, Dan exclaimed and quickly picked it up and held it in the air. Luckily it hadn’t exactly started to catch fire yet.  
My mouth fell open and I looked at Dan in shock. That definitely was not how I wanted to end our otherwise perfect breakfast. 
“I-I.. I’m sorry. I didn’t.. I thought i-it was cold already. P-please don’t b-be mad at me”, I stumbled over my words, giving Dan a pleading look. I didn’t mean to almost set fire to our kitchen. He knew that, right? 
“Sh, sh. Phil. It’s alright”, Dan took the few steps back to the breakfast bar and crotched down in front of me. “I’m not mad, okay? Calm down, Phil.”

Only then I realized that I was literally hyperventilating, choking on every breath I took. I didn’t know why though. Was it because I was shocked of almost burning down our apartment? Was I scared because Dan might be disappointed in me? I only knew that everything I needed to calm down again were the warmth of a hug, so I leaped forward and wrapped my arms around Dan, holding him a bit tighter than friends were supposed to. 

“I’m so so sorry. I wanted to make today perfect for you. Why do I ruin everything?”, I mumbled into the crock of his neck as Dan pulled me close to his chest, patting my back soothingly. 
“Phil, it’s okay. Everything’s perfectly fine. You didn’t ruin anything”, Dan reassured me and continued caressing my back. “Why is it so important anyway? It’s only breakfast, isn’t it?”, he asked, most likely confused by my sudden outburst. 
“I want you to be happy. Because you always make me happy, whether you know it or not”, I confessed and nuzzled my now flushed face more into Dan’s neck, not daring to look up at my best friend. 
“But I am happy. Right now, with you in my arms I couldn’t be happier”, Dan replied and something (his lips?) pressed against the top of my head.  

And that was when I decided to tell him. Because honestly, Dan wasn’t the kind of person that would leave just because he didn’t feel the same. So what did I have to lose? 
I took a deep breath and slowly pulled away from our embrace, but only enough to look into Dan’s chocolate brown eyes.  
“There’s something I need to tell you”, I started, not exactly knowing how I should confess my feelings. Dan smiled at me encouragingly, telling me to go on. I dropped my gaze before I continued, my voice slightly trembling. 
“I really like you, Dan. Maybe love you. And I know you probably don’t feel the same, which is alright, but I just thought you should know…”, I eventually dared to look at Dan’s face again, only to see the smile from before fading. I felt my heart drop and my eyes burning with tears. Even though I was expecting that reaction, it still felt like someone had just punched me into my stomach. 

Dan was still looking straight into my blue eyes though, apparently thinking really hard about something. Minutes went by without saying anything, but just intensely staring into each other’s eyes. 
“Phil..”, Dan finally broke the silence. “I like you too, in a more-than-just-friends way. But I don’t know if this would work out without someone getting hurt. What would everyone say? Our fans? Our parents?”
I stared at him in surprise. “You like me too?” Dan nodded, a sad smile on his lips.
“Then fuck everyone else. Why do you care what other people will think? Our parents, okay, I understand that. But forget our fans, forget society and just think about us being together. Don’t we deserve to be happy for once? I love you, Dan. We should be happy. Together.” 
And apparently that was everything it took to convince Dan, because the next thing I felt, were his plumb lips softly pressed against mine. 


“I’m glad you changed your mind and decided to be my boyfriend in the end”, I said happily, moving my hand to his face to caress his pink cheeks fondly. 
“So am I. But I was completely terrified when we told our parents last Christmas”, Dan chuckled and I soon joined his laughing. 
Thinking back at it, it really wasn’t that bad at all. But we were extremely scared anyway. After all it wasn’t just some random person. It was our parents. The most important people in our lives. 


“Can you all please sit down for a moment? We- uhm, need to tell you something before we eat dinner..”, Dan pointed to the sofa and waited until both of our parents had taken their seats, then he sat down next to me. I fumbled nervously with the hem of my shirt, waiting for Dan to say something. We hadn’t exactly planned what we would say, but I was sure Dan would come up with something. I hoped so anyway, because I was definitely too nervous to get out any words.

“What’s up, dear? Is something wrong?”, Dan’s mum asked alarmed, looking at the both of us in concern. 
“No, no, mum. Nothing’s wrong. Rather the complete opposite”, Dan reassured her, he then carefully took my hand in his and blurted out the news. “Phil and I have been dating for several months already and we thought it’s time to finally let you all know."

I sighed in relief and eventually looked up to face our parent’s reaction. No one said anything for a while, until my mum jumped up and engulfed us in a short, loving hug. 
“I’m so happy for the two of you. I’ve always known that there was some kind of chemistry”, she exclaimed excitedly. 
I slightly pecked her on the cheek. “Thanks for being so supportive, mum.” 
She smiled at me and then sat down next to my dad again, who now also was smiling kindly at me and Dan. I leaned slightly into Dan’s side and waited for his parent’s to say something.

“Well, that was unexpected. But if Phil makes you happy, then it’s fine with us”, Dan’s dad spoke up, and I eventually released a breath, I wasn’t aware I was holding. 
“Great”, Dan said cheerfully, turning his head to me. He pecked my cheek slightly, which immediately caused me to blush furiously. “Let’s go eat dinner now.” 

And that was it. I still couldn’t believe that our parents had accepted us that easily, but I was extremely glad they did. 


“I love you, Dan. Like I’m really, utterly in love with you. With you and no one else”, I mumbled, pulling my boyfriend closer to my chest, kissing the top of his head affectionately. “And I know we’re way too young to already think about marriage, but I honestly believe you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my days with.”
Dan pulled away from our embrace and looked at me, a wide grin plastered on his face, his eyes full of tears of happiness. 

“I love you too, Phil. So so so much. I still can’t believe that somebody like you could be with someone like me. But I swear I’ll go through everything with you. The good, the bad, the ugly, the smiles, the laughs, the funny”, Dan confessed, causing me to tear up a bit as well. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer until our noses brushed together. I lifted my head until our lips were touching. The kiss was softer than usual, with a lot more feelings in it, but just as perfect as every other kiss we’ve ever shared.

We lied down again after a few moments, cuddled up against each other just like before. 
“I’m happy knowing that you’re mine and the more I think, the more I wish that we could lay here for hours and just reminisce”, Dan mumbled into my chest, as I lazily ran my fingers through his soft hair. 
“We can, love. If it makes you happy."

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