Falling For You

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Summary: Dan hurts himself by falling down an escalator and Phil looks after him.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,923


"No PJ, I’m not going to tell Phil that I’m still fucking in love with him," I snapped, receiving nasty looks from an elderly woman next to me. Whether it was because I had used a swear word or because I was talking about liking guy. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and continued listening to PJ on the other side of the phone. 
"You could at least hint on it or something," PJ replied, obviously not intending on giving up any time soon. 
I sighed in frustration. PJ just didn’t get it. I couldn’t just all of sudden start being all cuddly and affectionate with Phil again, not after being distant and platonic for so long. He certainly would suspect something and start asking questions, and that’s exactly what I did not want to happen.
“But Peej, you know exactly what that would lead to." 
I continued walking through the mass of people in the shopping centre, trying to not get into the way of anyone. The last thing I wanted right now was to cause a scene. 
"Come on, Dan. Is it really that hard to just tell Phil that you still have feelings for him? It’s not like he’s going to hate you and leave. He would never do that to you, would he?" PJ stated, making a good point. 
As much as I searched for excuses to not take a risk and tell Phil, PJ was right. Phil would never in a million years throw me out because of something silly like still liking him despite having broken up ages ago. However, it didn’t change the fact that I was completely incapable of admitting my feelings to anyone. It was hard enough to tell PJ about it; I couldn’t even imagine how much it would take to tell Phil. 
"It’s not that fucking easy," I groaned, again getting nasty looks from other people around me, making me want to shout “It’s just a fucking word, get over it" at them, but I bit it back. It wasn’t their fault that I was in a bad mood after all.
"Phil has gotten over me ages ago. Admitting that I still like him would just make things awkward."
"How do you know that for sure though?"
"What do you mean?" 
"How do you know for sure that Phil doesn’t still like you? He hasn’t been in a relationship since your break-up, has he?"
I thought about it for a moment. Phil had indeed not been in any kind of relationship, but that didn’t really mean a lot, as he had also been really busy in that time - always working on new videos, trying to please the fans and now planning the radio show with me every week.
I was about to respond to PJ’s question when suddenly I felt myself losing balance. My feet left the ground as I fell down the hard steps of the escalator I had previously been standing on. My phone slipped out of my hand and crashed down with a loud bang, but at least I could catch myself and use my arms to prevent my face from crashing to the steps. 
I groaned in pain as I eventually came to a halt, awkwardly lying face down on the escalator now. Ignoring my aching body I swiftly sat up and searched for my phone, my face heating up as I realised how many people were watching me. 
I sighed in relief when I found the phone where a PJs caller-ID still lit up the screen, and quickly took it before standing up and brushing off my jeans, attempting to act like I didn’t just completely embarrass myself in public. 
"Dan? Dan, are you still there? What happened?", I heard PJ, when I pressed the phone back to my ear. 
"Nothing", I mumbled, not wanting him to know. “I’ll call you later, okay?"
"Yeah sure", PJ responded confused, but hung up anyway. 
I left the escalator, carefully looking where I was going this time, noticing something wet streaming down my arm my arm. Putting my phone back into my pocket, I lifted my right arm and rolled the sleeve of my jumper up just to see three bleeding cuts there, looking a lot worse than they actually felt though. 
I wiped the blood away with a tissue and pulled my phone back out to take a quick picture and upload it to Twitter, giving my followers something to laugh about as I still owed them another video which I hadn’t even started filming yet. 
Walking extra carefully now I made my way out of the shopping centre and back home to mine and Phil’s shared flat. Seeing the building rise into the air in front of me, brought back what I had been talking about with PJ earlier. 
I sighed, still not too sure whether I should tell Phil or not. After all I could make things really awkward between us, and that’s something I definitely didn’t want to happen. But I also didn’t want to continue bottling up my feelings for him. So what should I do?

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