Make-Up Cuddles

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Summary: Phil accidently breaks their new TV and Dan gets really upset.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,006


"… and that’s why I’ve decided to improve my juggling skills a bit. Not that I really needed it", Phil grinned towards his camera which was standing a few feet in front of him, right next to the TV, his flat mate Dan had bought only a week ago. It was a pretty expensive one and Dan really, really liked it, so Phil felt rather uneasy to be even near it in case he bumped into it, let alone filming in front of it. But his tripod and camera had still been in the lounge after Dan had filmed a video the night before, and Phil was just way too lazy to take all the things and bring them back into his room. And it wasn’t like he was going to throw things at the TV or something; he was just filming a harmless, little video - no sudden movements that could knock the TV down whatsoever. 
Well, that was before he had decided to show off how much his juggling had improved. Phil was rather good at it though, so there was nothing he should be scared of and even if he maybe hit the TV screen, it’s not like small plush toys could do any harm to a big, solid TV, right?
Phil flashed a wide grin to his camera before he started to throw his lion, his Gengar-toy and a little squishy ball into the air, catching them and throwing them up again until he was properly juggling. His skills really had improved since the last time he had done this for his viewers and it really seemed like his worries about the TV had been completely stupid and needless. 
Until his nose started itching that is.
In the matter of a few seconds, Phil was full-on sneezing and his plush toys were flying right over into the TV making it wobble just that little bit. Phil watched in horror as the screen gradually started to lean more and more towards the edge of the table it was on, until eventually it tilted forward and landed on the floor with a loud bang, the glass of the screen cracking and even breaking in some places. 
"Shit, shit, shit," Phil cursed under his breath, completely ignoring how much he usually hated swearing. He had just knocked over the really expensive TV his boyfriend was quite fond of, he was allowed to swear now. 
He quickly jumped up, forgetting that he still had to finish his video - there was something a lot more important to think about now anyway - and skipped over to the TV. How did those three small soft toys manage to make a freaking TV fall over and break? They were neither big nor heavy in any way.
Gradually Phil started to panic a little bit, completely overwhelmed by the whole situation. How was he supposed to explain to Dan how he had already broken their new TV, which had actually cost them a little fortune? What if Dan shouted at him? Phil couldn’t handle situations in which people raised their voices, especially not if they were directed to him. He even hated it when people cheered at a football game, for God’s sake.
He had to think about some explanation, and quick. Dan would get so so pissed at him if he found out what he had managed to do just because of one of his stupid videos. (Well, they weren’t really stupid. After all it Phil earned money from making them, but still.)
After moments, which had felt like eternities to Phil the door to the lounge burst open and a worried-looking Dan appeared in the doorway.
"Oh my God, Phil. Are you okay? I heard a loud bang and…" Dan’s rambling stopped when he noticed Phil was crouched down on the floor - next to the remains of his once oh so perfect TV. 
"What the fuck- Phil, how did that even happen? I leave you alone for a few minutes so you can film your video and you fucking break our brand-new TV. Jesus fucking Christ."
Phil watched with wide eyes as Dan practically yelled at him, making him shiver in fear and crawl backwards a little bit until his back was pressed against the wall. 
"I didn’t- I was just- I- I’m so sorry, D-Dan," Phil whimpered, pulling his knees towards his chest and hugging his legs tightly. He wished nothing more than for Dan to stop shouting at him. Not only did he hate shouting, but Phil also got really scared and worried when people he liked got angry with him; and Dan was more than just angry right now.
"Fuck Phil. I paid 600 fucking pounds for that TV and it isn’t insured either. You know what that means, right? We have just lost a hell lot of money just because you are clumsy as fuck. Even worse than some little child. At least those don’t break TVs when they are left alone for a few minutes," Dan was really yelling now, throwing his hands into the air every now and then, as if to show how done he was with Phil’s behaviour.
"P-please, Dan. I-I," Phil started but his voice broke away and he didn’t try again as Dan continued to shout and wouldn’t hear his silent whimpers anyway. 
He didn’t know why he always reacted so badly to yelling and loud noises in general, but he did and now with Dan yelling and cursing at him he couldn’t help but let those stupid tears of fear fall down from his eyes. He tried to hold them back with all his strength, he really did, but it was to no use. 
Soon enough Phil’s cheeks were drenched in tears and he buried his face into his knees, blocking out Dan’s voice which was still loudly asking for an explanation.
‘Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying. Don’t let Dan see your tears. You’re just being pathetic now. Stop. Stop. Stop.’
Phil bit on his lower lip, trying desperately to hold his stupid tears back. He was just being a whiny child now; crying because of something so stupid like being shouted at. He was a 26-year-old man, for God’s sake, a little bit of manliness isn’t that much to ask for, is it?
Phil flinched in the slightest when he suddenly felt a hand on the side of his head, almost expecting Dan to slap him or something. Which was the probably the stupidest thing Phil had ever thought of, because Dan, his Dan, would never ever even think about hurting Phil and Phil knew that. He was just being silly.
"Are you okay, Phil?" Dan asked after a few seconds, his voice quiet and sounding genuinely worried now. Phil didn’t dare to look up though. He didn’t want his boyfriend to see him in such a shameful state. His eyes red and puffy. His face flushed and streaked with tears. Phil was a mess and the last thing he wanted was for Dan to see him now.
"I-I’m so s-sorry I broke the TV. I-I filmed a video a-and then i-it just happened s-somehow. I’m s-so sorry, D-Dan. Please d-don’t hate me.." Phil choked out, his voice laced with fear and tears, making him sound even more pathetic than he thought he was anyway. 
In his panicked state he genuinely believed Dan would hate him now because of breaking their TV, which was complete bullshit, because Dan loved him with all his heart and couldn’t even hate Phil, if he wanted to. 
"Fuck, Phil. Are you crying?" he asked worriedly, trying to tilt Phil’s head up but failing as the boy refused to move it in any way. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Please, look at me."
Phil took a few deep breaths before he eventually looked up, not meeting Dan’s eyes but looking at the broken TV on the floor behind him - the reason for their … fight?
As soon as Dan had scanned Phil’s face and noticed his teary eyes, he immediately flung his arms forward and pulled the boy into a hug, not caring that seconds ago he had been pissed at him. That really didn’t matter now. His Phil was hurting, so it was Dan’s duty to make him feel better. 
"Sh, it’s okay. I don’t hate you, baby. Please don’t cry. I don’t care about the TV, just- please," Dan mumbled, nuzzling his face into Phil’s black mop of hair. 
He sounded so desperate and sad, Phil immediately felt bad for not controlling his emotions. If there was one thing he hated more than anything else, it was seeing Dan cry and being the reason for it.  
"I’m sorry. I- I just can’t deal with being sh-shouted at very well. I know it’s my fault the TV is broken. It was an accident though. I’m so sorry. I’ll buy a new one a soon as possible, yeah?"
"No, don’t worry about the TV. Yeah, it was expensive and everything, but I really have overreacted, I am very sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like this, love," Dan ran his fingers gently through Phil’s hair, making the boy bury his face more into his neck and pecking the skin there a few times. 
"Let’s forget about the TV and cuddle for a bit, yeah?" Dan suggested, obviously still feeling bad for making Phil cry and trying to make it up to him again somehow.
Phil nodded weakly and squeezed Dan in the slightest before letting go and getting up from his sitting position before he was dragged into their bedroom. 
"Do you want to be little or big spoon?" Dan asked jokingly, trying to ease the mood a bit, which he succeed in. Phil couldn’t help but giggle a little at how adorable Dan was asking, although he probably knew his answer anyway. Phil was always little spoon; mostly because he was the shorter one, but also because he liked being in Dan’s protecting arms and well, Dan liked being protective over Phil. So they both got what they wanted.
"Little spoon, please," Phil answered before laying down onto the blue and green bed sheets and waiting for Dan to join him, which he did soon after. 
Phil smiled to himself as Dan wrapped his arms around his body and pulled him closer so their bodies were pressed up against one another’s. 
"I hope you’re not angry anymore because I broke the TV," Phil mumbled a few moments later despite promising Dan not to talk about it any further.
"Of course I’m not angry, silly. It’s just a TV and I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Don’t worry about it, please," Dan mumbled, nudging Phil gently and then placed several kisses all over his head, Phil’s hair tickling his cheeks every so often. 
Phil sighed contently when he felt Dan’s kisses and heard his reassuring words. He was more than glad that his boyfriend wasn’t really mad at him or anything, although it would perfectly understandable if he were.
"I’m really sorry for making you cry though," Dan sighed, holding Phil just that little bit closer. “and for shouting at you. That was really uncalled-for. I’m so sorry. I love you, Phil." 
"Sh, let’s just forget about it, yeah? I love you too, Dan. Very, very much."
Phil shuffled around a bit until he was face to face with Dan and then pressed a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, cupping his face in his hands and softly caressing his cheeks. Dan kissed back immediately, placing his hands on Phil’s hips and pulling him closer. 
Eventually Phil broke the kiss when he couldn’t help himself anymore but smile so much that kissing was just impossible. He locked eyes with Dan and they stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, just looking at each other and smiling like idiots. Their fight already forgotten and they were just happy with being in each other’s arms.

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