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Summary: Dan and Phil dress up for the Halloween special on their radio show.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,377


“Dan, come on.” Phil calls from the bathroom, voice laced with excitement. He is sprawled out on the floor, dozens of different bottles and jars filled with costume make-up around him and okay, maybe Phil has gone a little bit overboard with buying them but come on, it’s Halloween. He is allowed to get excited.

“We have to do this.” He reminds Dan, grabs one of the smaller bottles which is supposed to contain fake blood - it really looks more like ketchup if Phil’s being honest. “It’s a Halloween Special, after all.” And he really has a point there because what kind of Halloween Special would it be if they didn't dress up for it?

“You’re the worst for making me do this.” Dan mumbles, unwillingly stepping into the bathroom, eyes widening slightly as he eyes the floor. “Do we really have to use all of those?” He asks, voice slightly panicky and Phil feels kind of bad for a moment but then he thinks Dan is being a moron because there really isn’t anything awfully bad about putting a little bit of face paint on, is there?

“Nah.” Phil replies, pats the space next to him for Dan to sit down. “I thought we could just put on some white face paint and then some black around the eyes and maybe a little fake blood on the lips.” He shrugs. “Should be scary enough for the radio.”

“Yeah.” Dan says, searching the floor for the white face paint. “Alright, let’s do this.”

Phil raises his eyebrow at him, thinks Dan is acting especially weird today but then just shrugs it off. When has he ever managed to completely understand how Dan works. After all they have been living together for a very long time and it’s still a mystery to him how Dan can stay up until the early hours of the morning all the time.

“Do you have any idea what your costume is going to be yet?” He asks then, curiously eyes Dan’s white dress shirt and sweatpants and the boy is either going to be a slightly more zombie-like version of himself or he hasn’t changed yet. Phil supposes the latter, hopes so at least. It would be quite boring if Dan didn’t properly dress up when Phil is going to wear their giraffe onesie and everything.

Dan shrugs. “Vampire?” He asks, hopes to get Phil’s approval. Dressing up as a vampire isn’t too much effort at least. “I thought I could use that cape we got when we were in Florida and then the vampire teeth I’m sure you bought.” He says, grins at Phil and Phil can’t help but respond with an equally wide smile because Dan just knows him, better than he knows himself sometimes.

“Lucky I did buy some.” Phil chuckles, leans over to press a chaste kiss to Dan’s cheek, now that he still has the opportunity to - white face paint and fake blood isn’t actually something Phil wants to taste on his lips.

Dan smiles, moves his head quickly to catch Phil’s lips in an actual kiss because they have to head to the BBC quite soon and the only thing Dan really dislikes about their job as radio presenters is that they have to refrain from every sort of body contact for two full hours, so he usually tries to get as many kisses as possible from Phil beforehand.

Phil chuckles against Dan’s lips. “It still surprises me how you manage not to jump me during the radio show.” He teases, knows well enough that he isn’t an ounce better than Dan. He would very much enjoy to kiss Dan every waking hour, after all.

“Shh.” Dan breathes. “Less talking, more kissing.” He demands, shuffling around a little bit until he is sitting in Phil’s lap, arms loosely draped around his neck and Phil obliges happily enough, moves his hands to Dan’s waist while his mouths works softly against Dan’s.

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