7 Minutes in Heaven

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Summary: Dan and Phil have to play 7 Minutes in Heaven at a party.

Warnings: minor smut

Word count: 1,634


"Seriously PJ, that’s the most boring party I’ve ever been to", Dan complained and let himself fall backwards onto the sofa, where his best friend Phil was already sitting. 
“It isn’t that bad", PJ defended, “let’s drink some more alcohol and you’ll see how much fun it is." Dan rolled his eyes but took another sip from his drink anyway, thinking he may as well get drunk.

PJ sighed and looked at his boyfriend Chris for help. Chris thought for a moment, until he hit on an idea. 
"We could. I don’t know. Play Truth or Dare?", Chris suggested smirking, receiving a confused look from PJ. 
Dan sighed, not noticing Chris’ mood swing. “Well, if that’s the only thing you can think about doing, okay."

After they told the rest of the party guests and sat down on the floor, Chris grabbed one of the empty Vodka bottles and placed it in the middle. He quickly spun it, hoping it would land either on Dan or Phil, so he could put his plan in action. 

Unfortunately it landed on someone else, and then took another 30 minutes of mindless drinking to finally land on himself again. Chris completed his task and then spun again, and to his luck it eventually landed on Dan. Chris smirked again, trying hard to hold his giggles back. 
“Truth or dare?”, he asked.
Dan thought for a moment and then answered, after taking another sip from his probably forth or fifth drink. “Dare, of course.”
“I dare you toooo…” Chris trailed off, as if he still had to think about something. “Play 7 minutes in heaven with Phil”, he eventually ended his sentence and giggled slightly as he noticed Phil’s pink cheeks turning a few shades darker. Dan stared at Chris for a moment, then turned to face Phil, but just to look at Chris again. He then shrugged his shoulders. 
“Alright, let’s do it.” He totally was drunk at that point. Never had Chris thought it would be that easy to bring Dan to do such a thing with Phil.  Chris was pretty sure that Dan and Phil liked each other in a way more than just friendship, but maybe it was also rather good thing both of them were quite intoxicated already. 
“Well, alright..”, Dan said rather excited now. He jumped up and almost fell down again due to his dizziness and then grabbed Phil’s hand to help him up. 
Chris lead them to the closet and still grinning opened the door. “Have fun, love birds. And no cheating. I’ll know." With that he pushed them in an quickly closed and locked the door.  
After a few seconds of awkward looking on the floor and shuffling around, Phil finally broke the silence. 

“Uhm.. You know, you don’t have to do that. We can just pretend…”, he suggested, shuffling slightly away from Dan. Phil actually couldn’t think of anything better to do right there, but he didn’t want Dan to make a drunken mistake. 

The brown-haired boy giggled and carefully wrapped one arm around Phil’s shoulder. He wasn’t nearly as drunk as he acted, but that way he could always blame it on the alcohol if it didn’t turn out the way he wanted. 
“But Phil… They won’t believe us, if they don’t have at least some kind of evidence..”, Dan purred and pushed Phil’s head closer to him. He leaned down and started to place little kisses all over his neck, wrapping his free arm around Phil’s middle, drawing him closer until their bodies were lightly touching. 

When he felt Phil relax under his kisses, Dan fondly bit down, sucking on his best friends sensitive skin until he was sure a visible mark would have appeared. He licked over it a few times, caressing it with his tongue, and then kissed his way up to Phil’s ear, biting the lobe slightly. 
“Now, that really wasn’t as bad, was it?”, Dan whispered seductively, making Phil shudder and goose bumps appear on his arms. 

“No… Not at all”, Phil responded, slowly getting more confident now, as the alcohol started to get into his system. “But don’t you think you also need some… Evidence?”, Phil mumbled, wrapping his arms around Dan and cupping his bum slightly. Now that they were already that far, they may as well have some more fun, Phil thought. It’s not like he had the chance to do such things when they both were fully sober.
“I guess so..”, Dan responded, moving his head up so he could look into Phil’s deep-blue eyes. He searched for something that would tell him that Phil was only joking, but couldn’t find anything but lust in the ebony-haired boy’s eyes.

Phil grinned and slowly leaned in, catching Dan’s lips in a short, sweet kiss. Their first one ever! 
He then moved his head down, softly blowing onto Dan’s heated skin, brushing his lips against it. 
Dan couldn’t help himself but moan at the sensation, but who could blame the boy? After all his neck was Dan’s most sensitive area. 

“Oh, seems like I found your sweet spot then”, Phil giggled and softly closed his lips around the tanned skin, sucking on it. 
Another moan escaped Dan’s mouth and he bucked his hips up into Phil’s without even thinking about it. 
Phil tightened his grip around Dan’s butt and pushed their crotches closer together, causing much needed friction for both of them.
When he was satisfied with the love bite he had left, Phil worked his way up to Dan’s lips again and pressed them together eagerly. While their lips moved in sync, Dan ran his hands up Phil’s t-shirt, stroking the soft, pale skin underneath his fingers, making Phil moan against his lips.

"Shh, Phil. They’ll hear you", Dan giggled, but kept caressing Phil’s chest anyway. 
"Who cares?", the older boy mumbled, now fumbling with the buttons of Dan’s shirt, trying to get rid of it. He eventually managed to do so and quickly discarded it somewhere behind him. 

Phil admired Dan’s tanned chest for a moment before eventually leaning down and scattering feather-light little kisses all over him. “You’re so gorgeous, Dan", he murmured against the younger one’s skin, running his hands up and down Dan’s sides. 

After a few moments Dan grabbed Phil by his collar, pulling him up to kiss his lips lips again. This time a lot rougher and much more heated than before. A rather load  moan escaped Dan’s lips when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. 

"I’m not coming it, because I really don’t want to see what you two are doing in there. But your seven minutes are over, so put your clothes back on and get out here again", Chris’ amused voice could be heard from the other room. 

Phil pulled back quickly, blushing as the realization of what they were doing hit him.  "I- Uhm. I’m sorry. I- Just", Phil stuttered, leaning down to pick up Dan’s shirt from the floor. “Here. Your- uhm. Shirt."
Dan giggled at how adorable Phil was acting. “Don’t worry, love. It’s okay", he reassured him, after putting his shirt back on. 

Dan quickly pecked Phil’s lips again and smiled at him nervously. The next thing he was going to say could either ruin their friendship or take it to a completely new level. 
"You know, Phil. I’m not as drunk as you may think. And I’m pretty sure you aren’t either.." Dan bit his lip and dropped his gaze, so he didn’t have to look at Phil. 
"I- I really like you. Like like you. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I just want you to know that this whole kissing-thing meant more for me than just a drunken mistake. And- I just really like you." Dan nervously fumbled with the hem of his shirt, as he waited for Phil to react. 

A little smile crept on Phil’s face while listening to Dan’s speech. He carefully placed one finger under his best friend’s chin and tilted his head back up. 
"I like like you too, silly. Do you really think I would have done all of this if I didn’t?" Phil chuckled and moved his hand to Dan’s heated cheek, stroking it softly. 

"You- Really?", Dan asked surprised, slightly leaning into Phil’s touch. The older boy nodded and slowly leaned in to kiss Dan’s lips one last time, before they had to face the other party guests again. Dan smiled into the sweet kiss and happily entwined their fingers when they pulled away. “You know, those literally were seven minutes in heaven”, Dan laughed and pecked Phil’s cheek slightly.

"They were indeed. Now let’s get out of here now, before anyone starts to think we actually had sex or something", Phil chuckled, opening the door and walking out of the closet, Dan’s warm hand still in his. 

"There are the love birds", Chris laughed, when they entered the room, Dan slightly leaning into Phil’s, hiding his flushed face in the crock of his lover’s neck. Phil giggled at Chris’ comment and swiftly dragged Dan to the sofa they were previously sitting on. He pulled the chestnut-haired boy on his lap and kissed the top his head , which was now buried into his chest. 

"It was so obviously that you two liked each other. I can’t believe you needed a silly game of Truth or Dare to realize that", PJ stated, earning a chuckle from Chris. 
"Shut up, would you? I’m trying to get comfortable", Dan mumbled into Phil’s chest, just loud enough for the others to hear. 
Phil giggled and affectionately kissed Dan’s head again, intertwining their fingers again. 
After all PJ was right. They would never have found out if Chris didn’t suggest playing Truth or Dare. 

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