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Summary: Phil realizes that Dan has grown taller than him.

Warnings: none

Word count: 889


Cereal was definitely Phil’s favourite food and he ate it to no ends. When he was happy, when he was sad, when he was grumpy, when he was bored. Or just when he felt like eating it. 
So of course it was almost the end of the world when Phil was just about to make a bowl of his favourite food, but couldn’t reach the freaking box because it was in the top shelf of their kitchen cupboard and apparently Phil wasn’t tall enough to reach it. He tried his hardest really, but it just was to no use. 
“What are you doing? Hugging the cupboard?”
Phil flinched when he heard the voice of his flatmate Dan behind him, catching him off-guard.
“Ugh, don’t scare me like that,” he whined, turning around to face his best friend and shoot him a glare. 
“Woah, don’t bite me,” Dan laughed, his voice dripping with sarcasm when he held his hands up, as if to defend himself. “What were you doing anyway?” 
“Trying to get the cereal from the top shelf. Obviously,” Phil rolled his eyes, sounding like it was the most obvious thing ever - which it was to him.
“Well, you’re not doing very well,” Dan teased. 
Phil poked his tongue out at Dan before turning around again and reaching out for the box of Lion cereals once again. He stretched his arms as far as he could, not caring one bit that his t-shirt rid up in the process and Dan probably had a very good view at his stomach. Nothing he hadn’t seen before.
Even after trying to stand on his tip toes, Phil still wasn’t tall enough and the box was still out of his reach. 
“How the hell did that even get up there,” he mumbled to himself, starting to get a bit pissed. He really had been looking forward to eating his Lion cereal. 
“I put it there,” Dan answered and suddenly he was behind Phil and reached out for the box himself, but in contrast to his best friend he did reach it and could easily get it down from the shelf. 
“What the-” Phil spun around in surprise and eyed Dan curiously. “How did you do that?” 
Dan gave him a funny look. “What do you mean? I just reached out and took it.” 
“Yeah, but how did you-” Phil walked back a few steps and let his gaze wander over Dan. Suddenly realization hit him. “Since when are you taller than me?”
Dan raised his eye brow but soon broke into a smile. “Am I now? I didn’t notice, but I guess since you couldn’t reach the box and I could…” 
“That’s not fair,” Phil pouted a little bit. Dan wasn’t supposed to be taller than him. He was the older one after all. 
“Aww. Is Philly grumpy now?” Dan cooed, grinning at Phil cheekily. It wasn’t like he cared who the taller one was but he just liked to tease his friend a bit. 
“Shut up.”
“Come on. It’s not my fault that I’m taller, is it?”
“But still.. I’m the older one.”
“And I’m the taller one now. Doesn’t change anything.”
Phil glared at Dan, getting just that little bit grumpy because Dan seemed so pleased with himself. He turned around and left the kitchen, not wanting anything to eat anymore. 
“Phi-il. Don’t be like that.” 
He ignored Dan’s calls and continued his walk to his bedroom, launching himself down on his bed and sulking a bit. He wasn’t actually pissed or mad at Dan, of course not, but it hurt his ego quite a lot that Dan was taller than him. It had always been him who had to help Dan if he needed something higher up in a shelf. It just sucked that now Phil had to ask despite being the older one and everything.

“How can you just leave me like that?” 
Phil flinched when Dan suddenly jumped onto his bed and rolled him around so he could sit on his stomach. 
“Get off me,” Phil sulked, pouting because once again Dan acted like the older one. It was one of Phil’s weak points, really.
“Come one Phil. Why are you mad at me now?” 
“I’m not. I just want to be alone.”
“Is it because of the being-taller-thing?”
“Phil. I know when you’re lying.”
“Ugh, okay. Maybe it is.”
Dan smiled softly at Phil’s confession. “That’s actually quite cute, you know.”
“Shut up,” Phil mumbled, his cheeks heating up a bit.
“Nope,” Dan laughed and then swiftly moved his hands to Phil’s sides, poking him until he was laughing to no bits.
“No-o. Dan, Sto-op. I- I can’t,” Phil laughed, squirming and trying to push his friend of him. 
Eventually he caught Dan’s wrists and held them firmly while flipping them both over, so Dan was the one being pinned down now. 
“You may be taller than me, but I’m still the stronger one,” Phil chuckled, pinning Dan’s arms down above his head, before leaning down and giving him a small kiss on the cheek, as if to say sorry for acting like a child. 
“Just wait after I had a few meeting with my personal trainer,” Dan replied, grinning just as much as Phil. 
“Yeah sure. As if that is ever going to happen.”

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