How Have I Not Noticed Before?

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Summary: Dan and Phil go to the school dance together, as neither of them has a date.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2,618


"Why don’t you want to go there?", Dan asked, giving me a grumpy look, after I had told him for the hundredth time that I wasn’t going to the school dance tomorrow. It was a cheesy, cliché thing anyway.
We were both in my room at that moment, bored to hell, because it was pouring down with rain outside and the TV in the lounge was occupied by my annoying older brother, which meant we couldn’t play video games. The only comfort was my laptop, but as we couldn’t use it both at the same time, it wasn’t really making things better either.
"Because I neither own a suit nor do I have someone to go there", I huffed, looking at Dan in annoyance. He knew exactly why I didn’t want to go, so why did he always have to harp on about it? 
"You’re just looking for excuses now", Dan accused me, glaring in the slightest. “You know, you can always borrow a suit from me. I have enough of them, because of the business dinners my dad holds all the time."
I sighed, rolling over on my bed, so I was lying on my back, looking at the ceiling instead of facing Dan who was currently sitting on the bean bag in the opposite corner of my room. 
"But that doesn’t solve my problem of not having a date", I objected, wishing Dan would just shut up about the whole school-dance-thing and leave me alone. 
"I don’t have one either, but do I care?", Dan stated. I could hear him getting up and come over to me, but I didn’t bother moving, as he sat down next to me. 
"No, but so many girls have asked you. You could just go to one of them at the dance and they’d leave whoever they’re there with to dance with you", I mumbled, not quite managing to keep the jealousy out of my voice; luckily Dan seemed to have failed to hear it. 
Suddenly the bed started moving rapidly and moments later Dan was sitting on my stomach, pinning my wrist down. 
"What the heck are you doing?", I exclaimed, blushing in the slightest about the sudden closeness. 
"Duh, isn’t it obvious? I’m not going to let you go until you promise to go to the school dance tomorrow", Dan grinned down at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 
"Ugh, Dan. I told you, I don’t want to go there without a da-"
"Well, if it’s that important", he interrupted me, smirking at me devilishly. “Go with me." 
I stared at him in shock. Did he really just suggest to go to the school dance with me - his best male friend?
"What the- are you being serious?", I asked, raising an eyebrow at Dan, who had still a mischievous grin on his face. 
"Of course I am. Everyone in school thinks we’re together anyway", Dan shrugged, loosing his grip around my wrists a bit, though he kept sitting on me. “Why not have some fun and see how everyone reacts?" 
"Dan", I whined, dragging the a, “that’s the worst idea ever."
"No it’s not. You’re just saying that because you don’t have any other excuse as for why you can’t go", Dan laughed, victory clearly audible in his voice. I really hated him when he was acting all cocky and arrogant like that.  
"And now stop being a pussy and say yes already."
"You owe me", I mumbled, glaring at Dan grumpily.
Dan clapped his hands together happily, jumping up and down on me,  which made the whole situation even more awkward than it had been before. 
"I’ll take that as a yes", he cheered, finally letting go of me. 
I sighed in frustration. “You’re the worst person in the world."
"You love me, really", Dan joked, leaning down to peck my cheek slightly. 
That wasn’t really a curiosity though. We acted most of the time more like boyfriends than just friends; cuddling while watching a movie, exchanging little kisses, holding hands if we felt like doing it. We both hadn’t had girlfriends in a long time, and if we were comfortable with being all affectionate with each other, why shouldn’t we act like boyfriends? It was fun and it really just strengthened our friendship. 
However, it felt weird to me only thinking about doing stuff like that in public, in front of the whole school. It was different if it was just the two of us.
"You wish", I replied sarcastically, pushing Dan away so I could sit up again, leaning against the headboard of my bed. Dan sat down next to me, giggling slightly as he took my hand in his and started playing with my fingers, as he always did when he was bored. 
"I can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction", Dan chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, but joined his laughing. As weird as it would feel, it sure was going to be hilarious as well - at least I hoped it would.

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