A Daydream Away

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Summary: Phil loves Dan but he is scared their friendship will be ruined if he ever tells him.

Warnings: none

Word count: 4,324

Based on: A Daydream Away by All Time Low


“You’re bloody amazing at drawing, you know that?” Phil mumbles, leaning against Dan’s back as he goes through the many drawings Dan has done in the course of the afternoon. There are half-finished sketches and completely breath-taking drawings but every single one of them makes Phil’s eyes go wide because even the unfinished ones still show such skill and beauty that Phil holds his breath.

“You’re just saying that because you want me to draw you.” Dan retorts with a chuckle, shuffling around on the kitchen floor a bit to get into a better position to draw again.

“No, I really think your drawings are wonderful.” Phil insists with such sincerity Dan seems to be taken aback for a moment. 

When he turns around, though, his face is lit up with a brilliant smile, all toothy and showing off his dimples and a little bit too much but Phil likes it just like that, because it’s Dan’s real smile. The one only few people have the pleasure of seeing because according to Dan it makes him look like a fool. Phil cannot understand where that thought comes from because he loves Dan’s smiles more than anything else.

They make him happy and feel a little bit giddily and Phil is maybe a little bit in love with and his stupid dimples but it’s fine because he is not going to tell Dan about it. As long as he doesn’t act upon any of these feelings they will both be completely fine.

“You’re a great friend, Phil.” Dan says, one corner of his lip still quirked up. “I hope you know that.”

“Best friend.” Phil corrects with a shy smile, but he cannot quite ignore his stomach bubbling in disappointment at Dan’s words.

Friends. That’s all they are ever going to be.

“Quite correct.” Dan confirms. “And you’re the bestest friend out there.”

With a roll of his eyes Phil looks through the drawings again, giving Dan the privacy to draw some more. He can’t quite make out the meaning of some of the pictures, there are curly lines and darker spots, but it looks really cool, kind of abstract, Phil supposes. But he doesn’t know that much about art. Dan loves it though and Phil loves when Dan is happy so he is content enough just sitting with Dan while he draws. As long as it means he can still spend time with Dan.

“Didn’t you say you have an essay to write or something?” Dan asks suddenly, fingers still curled around a pencil and eyes resting on the piece of paper in front of him.

“You trying to get rid of me?” Phil jokes, checking the time on his watch. It’s already past three in the afternoon and he really should get going considering that his essay is due tomorrow and he has hardly started it.

“Totally.” Dan replies sarcastically. “I’m looking out for you, you spoon. I know what will happen if you don’t hand it in on time.”

Phil shrugs. “Wouldn’t be the first time now, would it? I would rather stay here with you.”

“And I with you.” Dan replies softly. “But I can’t have you getting kicked out of uni because you spend too much time in my flat.”

“Your flat’s nice though.”

Dan snorts, putting down his pencil. “So is yours and you would know that if you actually spend some time there sometimes.”

“Yours is nicer.” Phil retorts stubbornly.

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