Oh It's Love

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Summary: Since the first time Phil has noticed Dan, he’s always questioned his feelings for the boy.

Warnings: none

Word count: 3,553

Based on: Oh It’s Love by Hellogoodbye 


From the moment on Phil had set his eyes upon Dan for the first time, he knew he had strong feelings for him, but there had always been this one question on his mind: Is it love?

Phil was nervous, really nervous. He had waited so long for this moment to happen, always dreamt of it, always fantasized. But now that it was almost there he’d rather crawl under his bed sheets and hide there for a little while. Too scared he’d mess things up and make himself look stupid.

He had started to talk to some guy called Dan on Twitter a month ago after he had noticed the boy replying to almost all of his tweets. His replies were always funny and really nice things; they also seemed to have quite a lot in common; their taste in music, clothes, films, games and pretty much everything. So Phil had decided to just go for it and start a conversation, which had let him to this moment. 
They had decided to finally do a Skype-call and Phil was nothing but a nervous mess. He’d spent the whole afternoon with tidying his room, even though Dan wouldn’t even see most of it, and with choosing what to wear. Which in the end were black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. Something so casual and simple, it shouldn’t have taken Phil several hours to pick out. 

He checked the time in the corner of the laptop screen, his heart beat increasing and his palms starting to sweat. 
5 Minutes. 
Phil had five more minutes until Dan would be home from school and on his laptop. He had five more minutes to sort his thoughts out and try to act cool and calm. He had five more minutes until he would finally see Dan’s face and hear his voice; the face and voice he’d been dreaming of oh so many times before. 
3 Minutes. 
Phil nervously fumbled with his fingers, taking deep breaths to calm himself down, which didn’t work too well but at least he was trying. He started his webcam program and quickly checked if everything was still okay, sighing in relief as his face appeared almost crystal clear on the screen. At least the webcam, as crappy as it was, wasn’t going to mess up his face.
1 Minute.
If Dan was on time, he’d be online in less than one minute. There were less than 60 seconds left for Phil to prepare himself for the upcoming event. He opened Skype, his fingers shaking slightly as he clicked on Dan’s icon, waiting for the green tick to appear; and it did soon enough. 

When Dan’s face appeared on the screen, Phil couldn’t help but stare for a little moment. 
Dan was gorgeous, even more gorgeous than on the many photographs Phil had seen. The quality of his webcam was just as Phil’s not in the slightest amazing, but Dan looked beautiful nevertheless.
There was just something about how the light met his tanned skin, making it shimmer and look oh so flawless. Phil would kill to have Dan’s skin, as his own was a rather palish colour, nothing in compare to Dan’s. 
As cheesy as it sounds, Phil suddenly felt something deep inside his chest warm up, making his whole body tingle and shiver. It felt like someone had switched on the light in a dark room and ignited it with all its warmth and brightness. 
And when Dan started talking, his voice so soft and melodic it sent shivers up Phil’s spine, Phil felt himself slowly falling more and more in love with Dan. 
However, there was a question he just couldn’t answer. Is it love? Did he actually love Dan, or was Phil just hopelessly crushing on the pretty boy?


When Phil pressed his hand against Dan’s for the first time, he was almost certain about his feelings for him, but he still couldn’t ignore this question: Is it love?

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