Kiss Me Slowly

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Summary: Dan and Phil have sex for the first time.

Warnings: smut

Word count: 3,072


"Come on, Phil. I know you can do it", Dan cheered, laughing slightly as I once again failed miserable at playing Sonic. It wasn’t my fault though, why did the stupid hedgehog lose his rings all the time anyway? Can’t he just put them into his pocket and freaking close it or something? 

I chucked the controller onto Dan’s lap and crossed my arms, frowning at the TV where it said “Game over" in bright and colourful letters. 

"Aw. Is little Philly sad now?", Dan cooed, shuffling closer until he only needed to lift his hand to softly caress my cheeks.

“Shut up", I huffed, turning my head to look anywhere but Dan’s amused face or the mocking TV screen. 

I wasn’t really that upset about losing the game, but I’ve learned quite a while ago that whenever I’m sad, Dan gives me cuddles and tries to cheer me up. Sure, I actually could just go over to him any time I want and ask for cuddles, since he’s my boyfriend. 

However, I don’t want to seem too clingy all the time, so acting upset is a good way to get cuddles and that was exactly what I was aiming for right now.

As I had predicted, soon enough Dan had wrapped his arms around me and softly drew little patterns onto my back. I smiled slightly, leaning into him more as I wrapped my arms around Dan’s neck, careful not to touch it too much. After all it was Dan’s most sensitive spot and even though he had told me various times he didn’t mind too much when touched it, I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. 

"I love you loads, even if you suck at any game you’ve ever played", Dan chuckled and placed a little kiss onto my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine like every time his lips meet my skin. 

“You’re the worst boyfriend ever", I grumbled, rolling my eyes though Dan couldn’t see it anyway. 

“I’m offended", Dan fake-gasped. “I tell you that I love you and you insult me. What kind of boyfriend does that?"

I couldn’t help but laugh slightly. “You’re the one who started insulting me." 

“Did not."

“Oh yes you did."

“You don’t have any evidence though." Dan pulled away from our hug and grinned at me slyly. 

“I don’t need any evidence to refuse you any kind of lip contact for the next few days or weeks", I replied cheekily, leaning in just enough for our lips to brush against each other before pulling away and quickly jumping up from the sofa. 

"Do you want some tea?", I called over my shoulder as I made my way to the kitchen, giggling to myself. However, the only thing I could hear from the lounge was a mumbled “now who’s the worst boyfriend ever", but I decided to make Dan a cup of tea anyway. If I didn’t he’d just drink mine and I didn’t want that. 

After turning on the kettle, I looked through the cupboards until I had found what I’ve been looking for: a packet of Maltesers for Dan. He always likes them to his tea. 

I finished making tea and swiftly walked back into the lounge, balancing the sweets in my free hand. 

"So much for being a bad boyfriend, huh?", I stated, handing the cup and sweets to Dan, who just looked at me in surprise. 

“I thought there weren’t any Maltesers left?", he mumbled, ripping open the package and pushing a fair few of the chocolate balls into his mouth. 

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