Memories That Fade Like Photographs

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Summary: Vamp!Phil and Vamp!Dan describe each other because they can’t use mirrors.

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,500


“Do you ever miss being a human being?“ Dan asks, eyes Phil curiously.

They’re sitting on top of one of the highest buildings in London, gazes lost in the starry night skies above them and Dan usually isn’t one to miss his human life but he still wonders about it from time to time. Especially when it’s past midnight and the city around them is sleeping and it’s just Dan and Phil against the rest of the world.

“Sometimes, yeah.” Phil replies, meeting Dan’s gaze. “Though I can’t really remember much about it.” He shrugs. “What about you?”

The wind blows gently through their hair, messes up Dan’s fringe a bit and Dan can’t help but lean closer against Phil, because this is one of the things he can’t quite give up, even after almost 70 years of being a vampire: seeking for body warmth when it’s supposedly cold around him. And it’s quite stupid, if Dan’s being honest, because he can’t really feel the coldness anyway and even if he did, snuggling up to Phil wouldn’t make much of a difference as both of them have no body heat, whatsoever. Phil still feels warm against Dan though and leaning against him is a habit Dan can’t get rid of but it doesn’t seem to bother Phil at all, so it’s okay.

“I miss some aspects about it.” Dan answers then, smiles when Phil wraps his arm around his shoulder. “Like being able to go out by daylight for however long I want, without fearing that I could crumble into dust any moment.”

“You know I wouldn’t let that happen.” Phil chuckles, ruffling through Dan’s hair. “Life would be quite boring without you.”

Dan rolls his eyes playfully, glad that he is physically unable to blush because otherwise he probably would look like a tomato every time Phil talked to him.

They sit in silence for a few minutes, cherishing each other’s company and the beautiful London skyline in front of them and it surprises Dan every time that even after all those years, they city can still keep his interest up for so long. It’s a gorgeous city though, Dan has to admit.

“You know what another thing that I envy about humans is?” Dan asks into the silence, rests his head on Phil’s shoulder and he would be happy to stay just like that for an eternity, just sitting with Phil and talking about all and nothing.

“What’s that?” Phil asks, absent-mindedly brushing his thumb against Dan’s arm.

“They know what they look like.” Dan states.

Phil laughs. “That’s all you care about, isn’t it? Your face.”

Dan scowls, pinches Phil’s thigh lightly, not that he is even going to notice it. “That’s not true. I would just like to know what I look like, you know.” He shrugs.

“You do know what you look like.” Phil says. “You once were a human after all.”

“Yeah, but that’s ages ago.” Dan exclaims. “We both know how easily human memories fade away.”

Phil nods. “True. But you still know the basics, don’t you?”

Dan shrugs. “I know that I have brown hair and a fringe, but that’s about it.”

“You really do forget things easily, don’t you?” Phil chuckles.

“Shut up.” Dan replies, lifts his head to pout at Phil.

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