Chapter 20: Family Dinner

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Ⓛⓔⓧⓘ'ⓢ ⓅⓄⓋ:

I woke up to find everyone in a weird sleeping position on the couches.... Well okay...

I stomp up the stairs to make sure everyone heard and woke up. Once I heard all the groans, I smile to myself. Yay!

I took a morning shower and slap on some white demin shorts and a tucked in black tank top with a half cut demin jacket over top. I decided to go for a walk while everyone else is getting ready. I braid my hair to the side and slip my phone in my back pocket.

~Skipping boring walk~

"The hell you been Lexi? We were worried about you!" My mum shouted once I entered the kitchen to find everyone eating and looking at me.

"Walking." I simply answer.

"Well make sure you have a note or whatever next time. By the way tonight's our family dinner."

"Gotchaa." I said with a bright smile.

"Sooo.... Can I go to your room and scoop out some ice cream?!?!?!?" Sade, her usually hype self, asked.

"Bring me some gummies too." I said.

"Oh bring me... Everything!" Niall shouted. Oi typical Nialler. Sade ran up the stairs screaming and came back down with a tray of ice cream for all of us.

"So mum, dad, will you guys be off the phone for the dinner?" Tanner asked, reading my mind on what I was gonna say later.

Guess what we got? Parents ignoring us. Ugh.

"Mother!" I shouted at her so both she and dad could give us their attentions for once. Finally, they shut their Bluetooth off.

"What? You know we are busy 24/7." Daddy answered. I looked over to Tanner and we shared the same 'Guess Not' look.

After breakfast, we all talked and we got to know what Tanner does now-a-days.


We all rush downstairs by the sound of my voice and on my way towards down a hall, I see Niall, Harry, and Louis confused. Shouldn't they be with Madi and Sade?

"Lou? Ni? Haz?" I heard Madi shouted. I shook my head. Oh gosh.

Ⓝⓘⓐⓛⓛ'ⓢ ⓅⓄⓋ:

"Ni, where the hell are we?" Haz asked looking around.

"How should I know? This isn't my house!" I said frantically.

"Well this is your girlfriend's house isn't it?" Lou barged, referring to Lexi.

"She isn't my girlfriend!" I said, part of me wishing she was.

Ugh where the hell are we? They should really put a map.

"Ey, three idiots. Next time follow your girlfriends." I heard Lexi's voice boomed through the hallway.

"Lexi? Where are you? Help!" We all shouted at once.

"In front of you, stupid." I look in front and there she was, finding this amused.

"Oh..." We all managed to say.

"This way." She point down another hallway and to the staircase.

"You should really put a map here." Haz barged.

"Nahh, it's more amusing without one." She smirked.

"Oh my gosh! Where have you guys been?! We've been trying to find you!" Madi screamed at the end of the stairs.

"Yeah, well they got lost." Lexi laughed.

I could hear Sade snickering as Haz, finding it adorable, his eyes all over her. I look over to Louis and he and Madi are already eating each other up. I look over to Lexi, she was heading towards the dinner room with Tanner next to her, talking about something.

Dinner was great, delicious, perfect. Until Mr. And Mrs. Scott got on their phone, for the 5th time.

"Ugh, can you guys please put down the phone and actually enjoy dinner for once?!"Lexi yelled across the room.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Work just gets in the way and you understand-" Lexi cut off her father.

"No I don't understand why a brother and sister can't spend quality time with their parents without anything else getting in the way. Sure work is important but what about a family's bond?? Do you guys ever understand that?" She said a little bit calmly, referring to Tanner after barging out of dinner and into her room with Tanner and everyone else following.

"Sis, open the door." Tanner said.

"Leave me alone."

"Let me talk to her." I suggested. He nodded and I knocked silently.

"Lexi? Can I please come in?" I asked, softly as I could.

I heard the door unlock and I took the chance.

I saw her sitting on her bed sobbing quietly, while everyone else outside, concerned.

"Lexi, Please don't cry. I don't want to see your beautiful face all teared up."

"They never have time for us. All they do is fashion, marketing, work, work, work." She sobbed into my chest while I embrace her.

"They try their best, they just need the money to take care of you, and their home. They just can't find the right time." She nodded.

"I think you did the right thing, by speaking your mind. Maybe they'll put away their phones and find the time eventually." I patted her back as she squeezed me tighter.

"Sweetie? Should we give the dinner another try?" Her mom said coming in with her dad, wrapping her into a hug as well. No phone or Bluetooth in sight. Just parents.

"I'm sorry that worked got in the way and we got caught up. We'll make it up, I promise." Her dad said. She nodded, while wiping her tears, no make-up in sight, just natural beauty. Her parents mouthed me a 'thank you' as I nodded, smiling.

We all walked down together happy, smiling, everything was perfect.

"Wait I wanna do this the old fashion way. And I'm sorry mummy and daddy,before blowing off like that."Lexi said.

"No we're sorry." Mrs. Scott smiled.

"What did you wanna show us?" Tanner said.

"This." She said then hopped onto Tanner's back. "GIDDY UP HORSEY." She yelled as we all laughed.

The dinner was perfect. Everything went well. After that we all said goodnight, and was ready to hit the waterbeds.

Me and Lexi got into our rooms and we laid under the covers of her waterbed, her facing me.

"Thanks Niall. For today." She smiled.

"Anything for you, princess." I reply.

She smiled and leaned in. She gave me a peck on the lips and turned her back towards me to go to sleep.

I smiled as I wrap my arms around her petite waist. I scoot her closer to my chest. Today was perfect, busy but perfect.

Everything else turned out to be perfect for all of us. The lads and girls had their special kissing session at night I'm hoping.

These days will be treasured.



Hey it's kinda long. Hehe sorry. But thanks for the reads ! I hope you enjoy our little special story ! Vote ! Read ! Comment ! Share ! Anything works. (: thank you my lovelies !


<AngieXx> (OfficiallyAngie)

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