Chapter 50: Tattoos and Dyes

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Lexi's POV:

Sade was having her month. It was too obvious. Whenever it was her time, she goes on tantrum mode with food and cramps. Madi? Well.. She does the weirdest and silliest crap you'll ever see.. EVER. Me? I get uhm... well let's just see this flashback yeah?

~4/5 years earlier~

I was walking out with Ice cream in my hand. I walked to the stack of books next to Madi and Sade. Suddenly out of nowhere, Liam came running towards me, snatching my ice cream. I. Was. Pissed.


He laughed and so did the girls. That's when things got intense. I couldn't catch him, he was running too fast so I grabbed the closest thing I could find. A hard cover book. I took one swing and there goes Liam on the floor. Whoops...

~A couple hours later.~

"Whaa- What happened?" Liam said getting up from the couch.

"I told you. I was pretty damn serious about my ice cream." I said sucking the delicious extract off my finger. It was sticky okay? Can't get it off that quick.

We all laughed and shrugged it off.


Yup. That's what happened. Don't messed with my ice cream. Especially if I'm on my month..

Me and Madi were at the mall. Sade wanted to have her time alone, probably with the guys who experienced it before by their girlfriends. Yup. Liam and Zayn. Niall, Louis, and Harry were out golfing and here me and Madi are. Getting our spark on. Without Sade...

"Okay I gotta run a quick trip to the bank at the fountain shoppes and I'm gonna go buy some products. Need any?" Madi told me all motherly.

"Nope I got it thanks." I laughed. She laughed lightly and waved me goodbye before running off.

I was bored. I didn't know what to do. I thought for a second and bam. I knew what I wanted.

I went to the hair salon and told them what to do with my hair. Minutes later my hair was new. It was still medium length and wavy but just a different color. Yup. The master of colors has arrived.

My Hair was bleached bright pink on top and fade into petal pink, lighter and lighter until it reached the middle. Then the pink fades into a light purple-ish, then after the purple, it turns into a fire blue. Bright fire blue and finally at the end and tips, it fades into a white.

Watcha think eh? I like it. I thought it was perfect. I payed my price and head to the fountain shoppes.

I entered the tattoo store and call me crazy but I have to get these three tattoos at once. This is my one chance. About and hour or so later, I was done. I payed and went back to my regular shopping. I looked at my tattoos.

One the back, between my shoulder blades below my neck, there is a heart with a ribbon wrapped around it. In black and white. On my left forearm, There is a black fancy calligraphy writing quote on it, "All the little things that makes you, you" I honestly thought that it was perfect too. My last tattoo is filled in. Black. It was a cross on my right wrist below my palm.

After a few more bags of clothing and supplies. I met Madi where we last split. She looked at me and her jaws hit the floor and her bags are dropped.

"Oh my gosh.. Sweetie.. again?" She asked, feeling my hair.

"Yup" I said popping out the 'p'. I was proud. "So watcha think?"

"It's pretty.. Wait, what is that on your wrist and forearm?!?!?" She felt the ink.

"My new tattoos.." I said smiling.

She stood there shock. "I have another one on my back I said showing her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She acted all motherly again since she is like our mother.

"I'm 19.. not 8." I pointed out.

She huffed a 'fine' before picking up her phone.

I gave her a "Sooo." Look.

"The lads and Sade is home." She said. I nodded and we headed home.

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