Chapter 21: Frozen yogurt and good-byes.

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Madi's P.O.V.

Today, we are suppose to be leaving the penthouse. We all packed our things and went downstairs into the living room which was huge. So we were waiting till everybody was done so we can leave. There was S.U.V.'s to take us home to our apartments. Everybody grabbed their bags and gave them to the maids' and butlers' to put into the trunks of the cars. The boys managed to squeeze in while Sade, Lexi, and I went into Sade's car but I was the one driving since I was afraid Sade or Lexi would get into a car crash. They have like about 3 times.?? I don't know, maybe more. We all decided to stop at each other's houses together because we had nothing better to do today. We went to the boys' flat and came in. The girls and I watched some T.V. in their living room while waiting for the lads' to unpack their belongings. It took about half an hour and we were watching Finding Nemo which is my favorite and saddest movie I've ever seen. I also know that Niall cried in that movie too which is adorable for a guy though.

They came downstairs and were done.We were now on our way to me and Lexi's flat. I bet you that hanging with these guys has made us start talking British and stuff. It only took about 20 minutes for us to be done since it was only two of us. Some of us were still in our P.J.'s since some people decided to do my job as a human alarm clock. But they didn't put more uhmp in their Indian chant. So it took me a while for me to change my outfit today. I went downstairs to see people looking through me and Lexi's fridge and by people, I meant Niall and Sade. They just love food so much. After they were done eating our food, we left to go to Sade's apartment.

She's dropping out of school cause she don't need the grades.

The colors in her hair don't seem t-

The ringtone ended from Sade's phone as she answered it while walking outside, leaving us to watch some more T.V. Liam took Sade's luggage from when she dropped it to pick her phone up. He grabbed them and went to placed it in her room. At the time he came back, Sade was done with her phone call and she didn't look like her happy self.

"What's wrong Sade.??" Harry asked the depressed Sade. She just sighed and looked as though she was about to cry at that very moment. A tear escaped her eye as she was about to reply. Everybody was eager of the answer.

"M-m-my friend's mom just called me. She told me that my child-hood friend has..not been here for a w-while. His funeral is going to be in a week and his parents want me to go." Sade studdered since she was crying. It's really sad knowing that your friend died. It's really heart-breaking.

"Maybe we can come with you. Where is it going to be.??" Zayn asked her. Sade sighed again. We all knew it was going to be somewhere..not from here.

"It's in Florida and my flight is tonight. So I'm leaving. His parents said that when the funeral is over, I can come straight back here if I want." Wow. We were going to be apart from Sade. That has never happened before. We were always together from preschool. But it's only going to be for a week. That's not bad right? Just be strong Madi.

"We can still hang out until I leave though so let's think of something fun to do." Sade said, trying to lighten up the mood. Everybody was in hardcore thinking until Niall had an idea.

"How about we go get something to eat.??" Niall said. The boys groaned as if they heard him saying that their entire life which they probably have.

"That's not a bad idea. We can go to Sweet Frog.!!" Lexi told us.

"What's Sweet Frog.??" The lads asked us. Our mouths dropped like it had just hit the floor.

"T-t-t-they don't kn-kn-know w-w-what Sweet F-f-f-frog is.??" I said as if I was about to cry. Sade here was an ice cream fan while I was a frozen yogurt fan. Lexi? Ha Anything works for her. Lexi and sade consoled me and rocking me back and forth.

"What's the matter.??" Lou asked them.

"Sweet Frog is a frozen yogurt place which Madi loves. You're her boyfriend.!! You should know this by now.!!" Sade yelled at him. The mates took a step back away from us. I gotten up and the boys looked worried.

"We are going to go to Sweet Frog whether you like it or not.!!" I screamed at them.

"Yes ma'am" They said and hurried off into the cars while Liam, Lexi, and Sade were laughing. We all went to the cars and Sade went back into her room to get her bags which Harry came back to help her with. Such a gentlemen.

~Skipping the car ride~

We have arrived at Sweet Frog and since the sun has almost set, there wasn't as much people here. We went in with the boys Raybans on to attract any attention to fans. We grabbed a bowl and started finding our flavors. I went with mint and vanilla. After we picked our flavors, we decided on toppings. My outcome was chocolate chips, oreos, sprinkles, strawberries, marshmellows, sprinkles, with whipped cream, a chocolate and carmel drizzle, did I mention sprinkles, a strawberry on top with chocolate shavings, and more sprinkles on the whipped cream. Forgot to mention that I also love sprinkles. A ton of it. I went to the cashier to pay for my yogurt. How you know your price is that you weigh it and that's how you know your price. Really cool. I payed for mine and so did the others.

We sat at a table outside where there was a beautiful scenery of the sun setting. Me and the girls waited for the boys to try their's. The boys hesitantly took a spoonful of their frozen yogurt and tried it. After they were done chewing, they swallowed it. We were waiting for the answers of their outcomes.

"It's.." Niall said. He was the judge when it comes to food I guess.

"It's..delicious.!!" Niall yelled and they started eating away. I laughed and started to enjoy mine before it melted. When we were all done, it was time for Sade to go. The driver took us to the airport where we were suppose to say good-bye. Harry took her luggage out of the trunk and left it on a bench in front of the airport.

"Well, it's time to say good-bye so bye guys. Hope you miss me." Sade told us.


"We will."

"I'll miss you."

"We'll miss you." We said overlapping each other. She then left and we went back home.


Heyyo guys. Sorry again. So I hope you liked this chapter. I really do love frozen yogurt and sprinkles in real life. It's awesome. Please vote. Today was suppose to be Sophia's chapter but I'm doing it since she can't update. Bye.


Lisa (JustLisa)

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