Chapter 33; R-U-D-E

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Sade's P.O.V

So it was the day of the funeral, I knew how to act obviously... I've been to my parents funeral. Let's not talk about them right now. It's Andy, all about Andy. I looked at myself in the mirror, tears threatening to come out my eyes. Luckily, I decided not to wear any make up today, except for lip gloss. I wished Andy was still alive. He meant so much to me! He was my soul mate as a brother and friend. Him and I never saw each other more than friends. I started to reminisce the past that I had with him.


"Sade-pan! Guess what!?" Yelled 12 year old Andy. I rolled my eyes, and giggled. Andy was jumping up and down acting so childish. His hair was in a quiff, and his eyes that I always wanted was bright turquoise, it always changed from dark to light when he was happy. His skin was a caramel color, kinda like mine, but he was darker. He kept on repeating his words, because I wasn't replying. He started to poke me and giggle. I gave up, "Yes, Andy-boo?".

"We're going to get ice cream!" He screamed in excitement. I started to jump up and down with excitement with him. Andy and I started to sing our ice cream song. "Ice cream! Ice cream! You never gonna be wrong with ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Now lick that ice-e-e-e cream-m-m!". We put our hands up and acted like we were in a concert when we sang ice cream, and then we shook our heads, then acted like we were in a concert again, and lastly, we act like we have an imaginary ice cream in our hands and we pretend to lick it. Andy started to chuckle and I giggle. Mrs.Summit came up and I guess she heard our song, well she always does.

"You kids are something. Now are ready?" She laughed. Andy did the funniest thing I ever seen when Mrs.Summit said that. He put his hands on his hip, and stood in a position girls usually do. Then put his lips together and let out a sound from his lips and snapped.

"Girl! I'm a tween!" He said in the most sassiest voice ever. I covered my mouth from trying to cover my laugh that was forcing to come out my mouth. Mrs.Summit laughed and shook her head.

"As you say. Are you tweens ready?" She said, emphasizing the word tweens. Andy shook his head agreeing and then dashed out the room, to the car. Me and Mrs.Summit started to laugh.

"How do you keep up with him as your friend?" Mrs.Summit laughed.

"No, Mrs.Summit, it's how do you keep up with your son?" I laughed. We then heard Andy yelling for us.

"Excuse me, but, I'm kinda tired waiting for you slow people. My gosh, are you guys secretly undercover elderlies or something?!" Andy exclaimed. He always knew how to make me laugh. I then walk to the car, with Mrs.Summit. When we got to the car, all you see is Andy trying to turn on the car in frustration.

The best friend anyone can ever have... and the saddest part is, he can't be replaced. I wonder if Andy could see how I am right now, and feel how I feel right now. He was just trying to help me, and that made him take his life away. I remember having a discussion about suicide with him... we were in the middle of a deep talk. It our favorite thing to do, have deep talks late at night, or when we were bored.

"Andy?" I asked quietly, in the dark room. I hope Andy wasn't sleeping yet, I felt so lonely. I mean yeah, we always slept over at each other rooms when we didn't want to sleep in our own room. I decided to sleep in his room today. Him and I both had 2 beds in our rooms. So we weren't sleeping in the same bed of course. (She's 14 and so is Andy)

"Yes?" He replied quietly and tiredly. I could imagine him rolling his eyes, and looking up over at me then at the ceiling.

"Would you miss me if I killed myself?" I questioned. I couldn't get the question out of my head. It's just a question that you had to know. I don't know why. I could hear shuffling over around at his bed, and I looked over to see a dark figure sitting on his bed. Andy let out a sigh.

"Of course! Why would you even ask that?" He said quietly and shockingly.

"I don't know... What do you think I would kill myself with?" I asked. Yeah, I'm a girl with many questions. Deal with it.

"You aren't a cliché Sade, if you were gonna kill yourself, you would probably just stab yourself repeatedly, but yet regret it with every stab. If I was gonna be commit suicide, I would just overdose. You know? I wouldn't hang myself, because I don't want my parents to come in to my room and just see me dangling from the fan. I would just rather die on the floor or something." He explained. I nodded, even though he couldn't even hear me.

He knew me too well. I looked at the time, I had 20 minutes till the funeral started. I decided to go early, so I could just look at him, his lifeless body, before the whole crowd of people would. Just stare at his lifeless body, knowing it was my fault who did this, and the fans. Mostly me. If only Ed never chose me, then none of this would have never happened. I'm breaking everyone! My whole family hates me, because they think I'm the main reason my parents are dead. Andy is dead because of me, and Harry? He's practically only staying single for me. He likes me, and I turned him down. He's perfect! He such a gentleman, and everything good! But I had to say no, all because I'm still hurt. I'm scared. I'm just gonna end up broken, and vulnerable. Like how I am now. Maybe I should just tell myself the truth! Sade, you like Harry, the way he likes you! Probably a little less, but you still like him! You just keep denying him, because you are scared! You are scared he's gonna break you! You are scared that you're gonna end up like your other relationships. Just give him a chance, you haven't had a boyfriend for what? Seven months! I guess I thought I was done, but no I'm not.

I walked away from my mirror, and walk out the hotel. Right now, I didn't know how to feel. I noticed that every bad happens to me. As I got in the car, my phone started to ring from an unknown number. Of course I accepted it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi! This is Trisha, from One Direction's management. I'm the manager of course. Anyways I have heard some stuff spicing up between you and Harry?"

"Excuse me? No ma'am, there's nothing between Harry and I yet."

"Good, because you need to stay away from him and the band. We are looking for more famous people, something that could bring the boy's reputation up. You and your friends on the other hand... not so much. You guys are just models, that are in magazines, that no one knows of. If they do know of, they don't care about you."

"I'm sorry but you are plain rude! You do not have any rights to who I should talk to and not to talk to. You don't control the boys' love life or my friends' and I. How dare of you to call me? Delete my number now." I snapped, and ended the call immediately. I will definitely talk to Liam, Zayn, and the girls about all of this. They are so rude to be calling me! Especially, right when I'm about to go to a funeral! I went on Twitter and made a tweet.

'People pain in the ass. Don't tell them tell you what to do! Be you, do you! Xx'


Alright, sorry for posting this a bit late, but I've been out the whole day! I woke up, did a little bit of writing. I then had to go shopping, then go home and go to my friends house. I just got home, like one hour ago... (Its 9:45.) Yeaah. Sorrry.

Much Love,


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