Chapter 83: Love Comes Again

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Simon had just called me, saying I had to go down to the studio but I was still with Billy. I told Simon that I had a visiter but he didn't care. I sighed and turned off my phone.

"Come on Billy." I told him as we turned off the video games.

"Where we going.?" He asked me sadly. He loves video games. It's like the medicine he needs to live.!

"We're going to the music studio. Simon needs me." I told him while getting my car keys. I drove a Lexus by the way. Don't see the need for fancy cars with designs.

"Oh okay.!" Billy said. I feel like he isn't gonna have much fun there cause I'm just well, singing.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." I assured him but he smiled

"It's fine. I want to hear you sing live. Haha." I laughed with him and we were on our way to the studio.


The lads and I were at the music studio, practicing for our new song. Ashley was here as well and so was Sade. It was really fun and when we had break tomes, we would sing songs from the radio loudly and dance. It was an absolute amazing time until she came.

"Sade. Simon needs us in the other studio." Madison Smith said. I wasn't going to forgive her for what she did to Ashley. But then, there were some nights I have thought to myself if I still contained feelings for her. Sometimes, I would think that but I would force myself to stop or shake it off. I'm with Ashley, shouldn't I only think about her.? Maybe this is a mistake. I did meet her at a club. Not the greatest place though. And all Ashley does is make out with me and use my money. I'm starting to think Ashley doesn't care for me and if she does, it's for her to still keep using money for stupid dresses. Madi was never like that. She was so beautiful and didn't wear a chunk of makeup. Madi always told me not to buy expensive things when Ashley is saying the complete opposite. I miss Madi..

"Hey Liam. Can I talk to you.?" I asked Liam. It was our break time so it was alright.

"Sure man. Private.?" I nodded my head and we both walked outside of the room.

"So what's up.?" Liam asked me. I took a deep breath before I started to speak.

"I think I miss Madi. For some nights, I've been thinking about her and what we could have been if we were still with each other. And all the memories we had with each other. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about her even if I'm with Ashley. What does this mean.?!" I told him frustrated. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You still love her Lou." Then I felt my heart race. I still love Madi.? I still love Madi. Everything became clear. Ashley never meant anything to me. She just looked like Madi. Everything Lexi, I mean Alexis, Sade, Harry, and everybody else I didn't believe their words. And Madi. UGH. What have I done. I lost the greatest girl I have ever had in my entire life. All because of my foolishness. She had backed me up. She was telling the truth the whole time and all I did was deny. Gosh, I'm such an idiot.!

"I got to get her back.!" I went inside the studio and took out my phone. I searched through my contacts and found Madi's name. It was still labeled "Babe" with many hearts . My stomach had so many butterflies at the moment. FOCUS LOUIS. I texted Madi, asking what studio she was in. I waited impatiently for her to text back and I was getting strange looks from the others but I ignored them. A minute later, she texted back saying she was on the 2nd floor, Rm 128. I was about to walk out of the studio me and the lads were in until Ashley grabbed my elbow hard, digging her nails into my skin.

"Where do you think you're going boo.?" She said. She sounds like an evil witch. Now, I'm just disgusted of her appearence.

"Look Ashley. You and me are over. I'm sorry." I told her, trying to get out of her grasp but she wouldn't let me go.

"Are you breaking up with me.?!"

"Yeah, I am now let me go.!"

"No, I'm not going to accept it.!"

"You don't have to cause it's already happening. Good-bye Ashley." I said to her, opening the door for her to leave forever. Ashley groaned and left the building. Man, she's annoying.! I left to go to Imperfect Love's studio to meet with Madi. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Alexis.

"What do you want.?" She asked annoyed. Hopefully, we can be friends again now that Ashley and I are done.

"I want to apoligize to Madi.." I responded. Her eyes widen with joy and she went to get Madi. I waited near the door for Madi and after a few seconds, there she was with her beautiful face. She looks so adorable with her Avengers shirt.! But behind her was someone I didn't want to see. Billy.

"You wanted to speak with me.?" Madi asked. I was somewhat nervous and palms started to sweat like crazy.

"Yeah, I was wondering in private though." I told. Her mouth was in an 'O' shape and she went and closed the door behind her.

"What did you want to talk about it.?" Her hands were in her pocket as she was searching for an answer through my eyes.

"I just wanted to apoligize for not believing you before when you and Ashley had disagreements. I should have believed you. I haven't realized it till now cause I'm such an idiot."

"It's fine but if that's all you wanted to say then, I forgive you." She started to walk to the door but I lightly grabbed her shoulder.

"No, there's more." She turned around and looked at me. "I haven't realized this till now but with the help from Liam but it's that I still love you. I've been thinking about all the time and at nights, I always wonder what we could have been if we were still together. All I'm saying is will you be my girlfriend again.?"

"I need some time. Everything is juist so confusing lately and you're still with Ashley so.."

"No, no, no.! We broke up."

"Oh..I just need some time. But we can start slow if you like that. We can start over again." Madi said with a smile. It was so beautiful.

"I would love to take that chance. Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction."

"Hi, I'm Madison Smith from Imperfect Love. Nice to meet you but I have to get back to recording. Text me some time.?" She replied with a giddy smile.

"Gladly." We both hugged and went our seperate way. I'm so happy to be with Madi again, sort of.


Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter.

The girls and I have been updating like crazy for you guys. It's bizarre.

Anyway, I just wrote this as quickly as I could. And are you guys happy Madi and Louis could be more than friends again cause I am.!! Well, I did write it. Haha. Bye.

~Lisa : )

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