Chapter 67: Heart-broken and surprises.

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I woke up the next morning with no warmth beside me. With no arms holding me. I turned around to see no one next to me on the bed and I miss that. But I just have to let it go and move on. Just yesterday, Lexi explained to me about her and Niall's break up. It was hard to believe they were done. They both looked like a couple that would last a life time but I guess I was wrong. Lexi told me the same thing yesterday about me and Louis. I thought we would have a great relationship together too but yet again, I was wrong about everything. I sighed and got up out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom.

I striped off my clothes and stepped into the warm water. I could feel myself relaxing. I washed my hair and body and stepped out of the shower. I wore a tank top with a paint splatter design and some denim shorts where you could see the inside of the pockets showing at the end. I'll decide on the shoes later. I wrapped my hair in a towel and started brushing my teeth. I combed my hair and blow dried it. I didn't add any make up since I hate the feeling. I only added some concealer for my black bags under my eyes.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see no one else awake. I quietly went downstairs, not to disturb anybody's sleep. I looked out the window in the living room to see a beautiful view. I think I should take a walk since its sunny outside. I went grabbed my phone and some cash for some coffee. I took my sunglasses to incase of any photographers. I wrote a note for Lexi and Leo so they won't get worried. I wore my light blue vans and stepped outside in the hot air. In a good way. Leo's flat- I mean house is near the city so the park isn't far away. I walked toward a nearby park after a while. I sat on an empty bench and took out my phone. I checked my Twitter for any notifications. I saw a tweet that catches my eyes.

"Don't know what to do with my life anymore. What's wrong with me.?" From Louis_Tomlinson. I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling. Until someone sat right next to me.

"I thought you and Louis were dating." I screamed at the voice. It startled me. Does this person recognize me.?? Are they a fan.?? Will they scream.?? Will they blow my cover.?? I stood up from the bench to look at the person. It was Billy Unger, one of the star's of the show Lab Rats. How does he know me.??

"Uhm....we broke up..... Uh.....Bye now." I speedily walked away from him, ignoring the calls from Billy. He caught up to me out of breath.

"It's okay. I was just wondering. My name's Billy." He stuck out his hand for me to shake it. I did and smiled at him happily. He was the highlight of my day. I told him my name.

"Yeah, I know. You're part of Imperfect Love. I love your music." I smiled him wider. It was nice to know another celebrity had taste in our music. I said to him that I liked the show he was on as well.

"Well, can I interest you in coffee.?? My treat." We continued to walk as he asked. I nodded my head and we walked into Starbucks. I can feel a close friendship with him.


UGH. I can't stand a day without Madi with me. It just hurts so much. Why did I have to be such a jerk.?? Yeah, I was mad but I think I've went to deep of that horrid decision now, we're broken up. I still love her. I really do and it will hurt to see her with another guy. I sighed. I couldn't come up with any ideas to get her back. I went on Twitter. Maybe something funny from our Directioners will make us happy. I decided to tweet something as well. Just then, Liam came into my room. He sat on the bed next to me and placed his hand on my back.

"I know this is hard on you. It's also hard on Niall too but eventually you'll get over it." He assured me. I looked up at him confused. What happened with Niall.??

"What's wrong with Niall.??" I asked Liam. He sighed and looked down. I shifted myself to Liam' s direction.

"Lexi.......broke up......with Niall.." I gasped. I didn't know that happened. And here, I was upset about what I did then comforting Niall. I shook my head. I can't believe some of us are having broken hearts. Why are we like this.?? Why don't we trust our girlfriends.?? Or ex-girlfriends. I cringed at calling them that. I never knew I would have to say that about Madi. The love of life.

"And...." Liam said but didn't finished. I looked up at him. There's more.?? How could things get any worst.?? I'm not with Madi, Lexi broke up with Niall, Sade is in a coma, Harry is devastated, and this thing Liam' s about to tell me.!!

"Madi left. She went to L.A with Lexi." He told me. I bursted into tears. She left. We're officially done for. Madi doesn't want me back. I know for sure. She's going to move on and find someone else. Maybe I should too. Forget about Madision Smith and find someone else. It might be hard but I'm just gonna have to get use to it. I just have to forget about the relationship, memories, and especially her.


Sorry guys that I don't update much. I'm not keeping track with all that's happening. So busy. Hate it. Thought school was enough. Well, keep on voting and reading. Hope you like the story even if it's short. My creative juice is running low.


Lisa. :    )

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