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iris |/ pov
"all you do is stay at home, how can you expect me to not get bored!" emily shouted at me.
"im sorry! i just dont like being around other people, you know that" i couldnt stop the tears falling down my cheeks.
"i need to do things with my life, iris! im not meant to be babysitting you!" she exclaimed, starting to walk backwards.
this whole time there was only one other person present. a man with red hair and sunglasses, a colourful tattoo swirling up his right arm.
"emily, im sorry!" i started to cry even more.
"no, thats it! keep the flat im moving out" she started to walk towards me, then leant down to my ear.
"god youre so pathetic" was the last thing she said to me before walking off in the opposite direction.
what the hell just happened? my best friend of 7 years just told me im boring and pathetic, and left me.
i dragged my feet over to the bench on the side of the pavement.
"shes right, i am pathetic" i whispered to myself, as i put my head in my hands.
"im sure thats not true" i turned my head to see the man with the red hair.
"well apparently shes right, i have no friends, im crying on the side of the road and im letting everything out to a complete stranger. if thats not pathetic, i dont know what is" i pushed my bag strap off my shoulder, letting it fall to the floor.
"josh" he said next to me.
"im sorry, what"
"my names josh. im not a stranger anymore, so if i recall thats one less reason as to why you are 'pathetic'" josh said making little air speech mark things when he said pathetic.
i smiled briefly before returning my face back to its original stony expression.
"do you wanna do something?" i looked over to him, seeing him smiling slightly back at me. i didnt know the guy and hes already asking me if i wanna do something.
"with me?"
"yes with you"
"but im boring and pathetic"
"lets prove that youre not. c'mon you know you want to"
"fine" i smiled up at him.
"sick" josh said before grabbing my arm, and pulling me after him. i caught my bag strap, swinging it over my shoulder.
"where are we going?" i started to walk more by his side, his hand never letting go of my wrist.
"we are getting coffee" he smiled over at me.
"and coffee is going to prove that im not boring?"
"after the coffee, you are going to meet my friend, then i have a surprise for you" joshs smile had evolved into a grin.
"why are you doing all of this" it didnt make any sense, he had only just met me.
"i believe in doing nice things"

the coffee shop that he had taken me to, was small and not that busy. it was no wonder i hadnt been here before.
"so, iris tell me more about yourself" josh asked as we waited to be served.
"my friends call me moon," i told him, as he handed over a £10 note, paying for three coffees.
"-and you just bought me coffee, so you must be a friend"
"well im glad i can call you a friend. call me spooky jim" his eyes gleamed at me.
"spooky jim? wh-what is that?" i asked him, the skin around my eyes obviously crinkling.
"well its hard to explain, youll just have to wait and see" he replied with a wink.
we turned away from sugar and cream station, and started for the door.
"im assuming one of those coffees is for your friend, but then again you could just be extremely thirsty" i glanced over to both of the coffee cups in his hands.
"yeah, it is. listen, our living situation is far from normal so" josh looked over at me, his cheeks tinted slightly pink.
"im sure im gonna love it" i reassured him.
after that we just walked in almost silence. nothing is really silent. theres always some sort of noise whether its someone breathing or something brushing against something. there is always noise.
it was the random questions, nothing important. not even whats your favourite colour?

after what felt like 5 minutes, josh had pulled me through some temporary metal fences.
"so this is it" josh pointed up to a black bus.
"you live on a bus?" i asked, confusion written over my face.
"hey! i told you that it wasnt amazing!" his voice sounded offended but he was grinning, letting me know he was joking.
"alright, its amazing" i smiled.
"i know," he smirked at me "-anyway, ready to meet tyler?"


so this is it.. the first real chapter
idc if you comment
im talking like theres people who are actually gonna read this oh dear
stay street

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