t h r e e

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iris |/ pov

the 'pit', as the boys like to call it, was crazy. people were jumping everywhere, it was hot, there was screaming. it was great.
the boys were amazing on stage, they really know how to put on a good show.
josh had told me to just wait in the pit after the show so that he could come and get me, without having to get mobbed by fans.
"excuse me miss, we need to ask you to make your way to the doors" a security guard tapped on my shoulder.
"oh no, im waiting for my friend  you know, josh dun?" i gestured behind me to the stage.
"yeah, weve already had that one tonight. if you could just follow the crowds-" i cut him off.
"no, josh told me to wait. he said hed come get me" i turned my back on him, getting annoyed at the guard.
"miss, you need to le-" he started to get angry, his tone harsh, before a smooth voice cut him off.
"moon! he- wait is everything ok?" josh had started walking towards us, then realised that security was next to me.
i quickly ran over to josh standing behind his shoulder.
"he tried to make me leave. i told him you were coming to get me, but he didnt believe me" i rushed out, glaring at the guard.
i know he was just doing his job, but have some faith.
"oh sorry sir, this wont happen again" the security guard looked flustered, before walking off to go bother someone else.
"charming" i said watching the security guard walk away, before turning back to josh.
"you guys were incredible, in all honesty i cried" i said grinning. tonight had been the best night in a long time.
"oh well thanks," he said, a small smile gracing his lips "-and i saw you cry, dont worry" joshs smile grew as he looked towards me.
"i should probably get going now, i mean it is pretty late" i stated, checking i had everything.
i started walking backwards out of the venue.
"wait so youre just going to leave?!" josh was still standing in the same place where i had left him.
"yup" i nodded.
"well am i ever going to see you again?" he asked looking a bit worried now.
"meet me at the bench at like, i dont know, 9?" i called over my shoulder, nearing the doors.
just as i turned the corner, i looked over my shoulder to see josh shaking his head and walking away.


ok so
i thought id give a bit of a shkrter chapter because the last one was like 1.2k words
idk if you guys prefer the longer chapters or the shorter chapters but
im writing this in german
i feel rebellious
anarchy in h11
i might even do a double update today because i have time and why not
maybe even a triple update
ok im getting ahead of myself
lemme go write
stay street

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