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iris |/ pov

the bus was quite cramped, although without the mess it could be quite spacious.
"tyler, this is my new fren moon" josh offered a seat to me, so i took it to be polite.
tyler had a fauxhawk, if thats even what its called, and quite a soft face. he looked at me, brown eyes kind of glazed over, as if he was in his own world.
he smiled gently at me, "hey, im tyler". he took his coffee cup from josh and took a sip.
"hi" i smiled shyly, not being confident around new people.
tyler was seated across from me in what seemed to be a lounge. josh had taken the spot right next to me, obviously trying to make me a little more comfortable.
another man walked through the walkway leading into the lounge.
"oh, hi im mark" the guy smiled at me and took a seat next to tyler.
i just smiled back at him, then looking down at my coffee cup.
josh bumped my shoulder with his own.
"bet you i can beat you on mario kart" he smirked at me, bringing his drink to his lips.
"oh really?" i asked playfully.
"best of three?" he asked before turning on the tv screen that was propped up in the corner of the room.
from a draw below the couch he was sitting on, josh pulled out a whole load of video games. he picked out the right one and gave it to tyler, who put it in the disc slot.
"i hope youre ready for this" josh smiled at me, only getting a roll of my pale green eyes in return.

after playing way more games than three, josh did in fact beat me, three to one.
i had also played against mark, but not tyler as he disappeared through the walkway about halfway through.
mark was really chill; he made me laugh and not feel too awkward.
"can i call you a friend?" josh asked looking over at me.
we were still in the lounge, but more spread out. i looked up from my phone, see josh with one eyebrow quirked up.
"like i said, you bought me coffee. we're friends" i smiled at him, shrugging my shoulders.
"well, you better trust me then" he started to get up.
"what do you me-" before i could even finish my sentence josh had covered my mouth and eyes with his rather large hands.
"stand up" he ordered. i was visibly shaking, i mean who wouldnt be when a man you just met is practically kidnapping you.
he pushed me, not roughly just forcefully, toward the door; he was standing behind me so he could guide me and keep my mouth covered at the same time.
out of the corner of my eye i could see mark laughing at me, and tyler getting off of the bus just behind him.
josh kept pushing me towards what looked like a stadium, and things suddenly added up. they were performers. or something like that.
dont get me wrong, i love having strangers hands pressed against my mouth as much as the next person, but i wanted it off.
i stuck my tongue out and licked his palm, causing a squeal to erupt out of his lips.
joshs eyes widened at the unmanly sound he just made, and a blush crawled its way up his cheeks.
"i didnt know you could go that high" i said, laughing slightly.
"well sorry, you caught me by surprise" he made an excuse.
we carried on walking side by side toward the venue, not really saying much.
"so, what do you do?" i asked, looking over at the man next to me.
"what?" he looked confused.
"youre a performer?"
"oh yeah, i play drums" josh answered, nodding slightly.
"oh, is mark in your band too?" i was curious as to who else he played with. josh burst out laughing, "no, no mark is a friend. he does some other stuff as well but" he looked over at me, his eyes still slightly crinkled from laughing.
"tyler is the only other person in the band. i play drums, and he does everything else" he explained.
"a two man band? thats different"
"thats exactly the point"
we carried on walking, talking about random things until we got to a back alley type of setting. there was a fence on one side, separating us and a rubbish site, and on the other side there was a tall brick structure, which is what i could only assume to be the stadium.
we got ushered through a thick metal door by big men dressed in all black. josh stayed just behind me, ready to confirm my presence to anyone who questioned it.
we walked through a couple of hallways, turning in different directions each time, before we reached a door with 'twenty øne piløts' printed out and stuck on the door.
josh opened the door and stepped aside letting me in first. it was a medium sized room, with white walls but not really well lit. to the back left corner there was a worn leather couch, on the right wall there were three mirrors, with a counter running along below them. the led lights from the edge of the mirrors were the main light source. over in the front left corner there was a tall houseplant, maybe trying to liven the place up a bit. on the left wall in the middle, there was another door, maybe leading to a closet or something.
josh walked in and sat at one of the tall chairs by the mirrors. i followed him into the room, and sat down on the old couch.
tyler walked in with mark not long after josh and i got there.
i still had a sort of off feeling about tyler, but i think he was like that with most new people. i just had to try not to take it personally.
we sat in silence for a while, all of us on our phones, before mark spoke up, "moon, tell us about yourself."
i shuffled in my seat a bit before looking across at the three boys, two of them on the floor.
"well my name is iris, but i prefer being called moon. um, my mum passed away when i was 8, but its ok. well as ok as it gets. um, i now live on my own, i did live with my best friend emily, but we arent really friends anymore" i looked up at josh, and he just smiled sweetly at me. "my dad lives in australia, he moved there after i moved out. he is in love with nature, and the outback seemed like the best place for him. i dont get to speak to him much, seeing as signal there isnt the best.
"um yeah, i guess thats all there really is to me. im alone, sad and different"

tyler |/ pov

when moon told us about how she was alone, i felt something click inside of me.
i feel the same things.


that chapter is really long
that means theres more room for error
um sorry i didnt update sooner
but theres been so much going on recently
like with tøp going all weird
then i had my concert on wednesday
then i entered post concert depression and cried about how close i was to shirtless josh dun
in public
around people
stay street

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