f o u r

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iris |/ pov

raindrops made themselves comfortable on my bedroom window. the sky was sad and grey and it was bringing me down with it.
i usually had days like this where this feeling in my stomach ways me down, and my brain goes all jumbled and weird.
once my minds off of it im fine, until i start thinking again.
locking my door, i checked i had my phone and my money and made my way out of the building.
i pulled my bomber jacket tighter around my body, as i rolled through the empty london streets, towards the coffee shop that josh took me to yesterday.
i pushed through the door, and walked straight up to the counter.
i ordered what josh had gotten yesterday.
after picking up both of our orders, i turned back out onto the street and towards the park.
my timing is on point, as per usual.
i sat on the bench, sipping every now and again at my vanilla latte. people watching was one of my favourite past times.
its interesting seeing people and the way they act and the way they dress.
how we arent all the same.
"hey, moon!" i looked up to see josh crossing the road.
i stood up making sure i had the coffees securely in my grasp.
"i got you a coffee, you know, to say thanks for yesterday" i blushed handing him his drink.
"you are amazing," he took his drink and took a sip "-and definitely not pathetic" he winked.
dear lord that did not help my blush.
we started walking side by side, just down the pavement, drinking our coffee every so often.
"where are we going?" i broke the silence, looking up at him.
"i have no idea" he smiled, still looking straight ahead.
"right" i took the last sip of my coffee before throwing into a nearby bin.
after that we walked for about 10 more minutes, in almost silence. after we had been walking for a bit we came to a trampolining place. like not a serious one, but one where you pay for the hour, and theres like foam pits and the whole floor is loads of trampolines.
"lets do it" josh smiled.
"do what?" he had just said it out of nowhere.
"trampolining. come on it will be fun" he said dragging out the 'n'.
"i never said no" i smirked at him, before grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the entrance.
we walked into the little office bit, but through a window you could see the trampolines.
the whole colour scheme was orange and purple, and there were so many people.
"josh, i dont think were gonna get in" i was worried hed be upset.
"and if we dont, we will just come back later" josh just shrugged, a lopsided smile dancing on his lips.
hes so positive all the time, well for the time ive known him.
"hi, how can i help you?" the lady behind the counter asked.
"are there any spare slots that we could get?" josh did all the talking, while i just hid behind his shoulder, slightly peeking my head out.
"um let me look. luckily there are three spots left for the next hour, which is in 25 minutes" she looked up from her computer, smiling warmly.
"yeah we will grab that one thanks" josh smiled, getting his wallet.
before he could get anywhere near paying, i had already put my credit card into the reader.
"hey no fair! you bought me coffee this morning" josh through his hands up.
"yeah and you bought me coffee last night," i shrugged "-and lets not forget the fact that you let me into your show" i eyed him, following the instructions the card reader was giving me.
"but im the guy" he whined, dragging out the 'y'.
"well anyway its too late, ive already paid" i flipped my hair, put my card back into my purse and smiled at the lady.
"can i just say, you two are very cute together" she looked between the two of us.
"oh we aren-"
"yeah, shes the cutest isnt she?" josh smiled pulling me into his chest. "thank you" he said before pulling me with him to the seats in the waiting room.
"why did you hint we were together?" i asked, confusion written all over my face.
"i dont know, yolo?" josh said, a smirk pulling at his lips. "what do you think youre too good for me or something?" he questioned, a playfully offended look on his face.
"no, youd be too good for me" i rolled my eyes, before slightly leaning against him. "you know josh, im never usually this comfortable around people. especially someone that i only met yesterday."
"well maybe im good for you?"
"maybe you are" i confirmed.


im sorry this is another filler
but i thought i would put some fluff right up in there
because everyone loves fluff
the cute stuff between them is so easy to write
even when you are sitting up against some squidgy guy on a crowded bus
double update whoop
um u just wanted to say, i know only like 2 people read this but thank you
thats 2 people more than what i thought i would get
that didnt make any sense
thanks and ily
this time last week i was going to the tøp concert
*screaming intensifies*
stay street

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