Part 79

24 7 0

Where does all my money go? It's like, hocus pocus I'm brokus.

We all caught feelings for someone we wished we hadn't.

Ich sehe blutende Herzen, verfluche die Schmerzen. Der Hass in dir lässt all das Gute verbergen.

Relax, you'll graduate, you'll get a job, you'll become an adult, you'll find someone who loves you. You have an entire life. Things take time.

Ich bin nicht arrogant. Ich halte nur Abstand von Leuten ohne Anstand.

Was bedeutet überhaupt "stark" sein? Niemals aufzugeben oder es zu schaffen, dass niemand merkt, wie kaputt man eigentlich ist?

A year ago you told me I could trust you and now I can't trust anyone.

Eventually, you're gonna get bored of me, get annoyed of me, hate me, stop talking to me & leave me. Just like everybody else.

She always wears black but she has the most colorful mind.

How does my mom expect me to get married one day? Doesn't that involve the guy liking you back?

Br'OK'en (sayings)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt