Part 115

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I'm in a room filled with people. In the centre of the crowd without saying a word. Then I'm the weird one. I'm the outcast. I see them all drinking and laughing. Wearing the same outfit. Men and women almost alike. Pretending to be interested in what the other is saying. Forget all of that. I don't owe anyone anything. Ask me a question and I will answer it. I'm polite and gentle, but you will never find me talking to someone to kill time. Not unless I am interested and very few are interested. Many are the same. With the same look. The same face. The same voice. The same thoughts and the same goddamn act-the guy next to me is doing. And the one behind that guy too. There is no interest. There is no soul and those things of the crowd do not interest the soul. They do not interest the fire in the eyes, and in the heart. I have no interest to begin with. So why the hell am I even here? People need to start being themselves. People need to give less fucks. People need to be alone. I'm gone. I walk out of the room and rush towards my car and then, I remeber what it's like to feel free.

Hermoine taught me that I should never dumb myself down-for anyone. Giny taught me to never give up on someone you love because someday they will come around. Luna taught me to believe and that being yourself is way more interesting than being someone else.

When you meet someone who tries their hardest to stick by you regardless of how difficult you are, keep them. Keep them at all costs because finding someone who cares enough to look past your flaws isn't something that happens everyday.

How can you sit there calling yourself a man? You tell a girl she is beautiful and you only want her, spend long nights on the phone talking, listen to her tell you she's afraid to love anyone, make a promise you'll never leave, take a piece of her soul and her virginity and then leave? You're no man. You're a boy. Don't do this.

Man sollte sich nicht mit Menschen anlegen, die morgens frisch, fröhlich und motiviert sind! Diese Psychopathen haben nichts zu verlieren.

Du bist so ein guter Freund! Wären wir auf einem untergehenden Schiff und es gäbe nur noch eine Rettungsweste, würde ich dich sehr vermissen und oft an unsere gemeinsame Zeit zurückdenken.

At this point, love me or leave me alone.

They've promised that dreams can come true. But they  forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too.

Our mothers tell us that there are no monsters under our beds, or hidden in our closets but they don't warn us that sometimes monsters come dressed as people that claim to love you more than the sun loves the moon.

You're my love, you're my hope, you're my strength, you're my everything.

Br'OK'en (sayings)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt