Chapter 4

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Hunter's POV:
As I'm looking at my schedule I see that I have an upcoming meet and greet in Phoenix, where I live. I'm so glad that I don't have to travel far this time because I have been traveling a lot lately. My last meet and greet was so much fun...but I have a feeling this one is going to be better. Maybe it's because that it's in my home town..? My meet and greets are always so hype and fun especially because I get to meet my supporters. I log into my Instagram and see all the posts about the meet and greet this weekend in Phoenix. There are a lot of people going! I like some pictures on fan pages and follow some of them also. I turn my phone off and go back to my schedule...

Lucy's POV:
Kinsey, Sarah, Hannah, and I are all sitting on my bed talking about the meet and greet this weekend. We pick out matching outfits, make cute posters, and talk about who we are most excited to see. Of course I am most excited to see Hunter, mainly because that's the only one I know. Because he is the only one I know, Hannah, Sarah, and Kinsey showed me all the other boys....gosh they were all cute! I was getting more and more excited to go to the meet and greet!
It's only two days away and I'm not so patient...hopefully I won't get too impatient.
Lucy's POV:
The meet and greet is tomorrow and I can't wait! I go to text the group chat just to see what they were up to, when I see a notification that Hunter is live. I stopped what I was doing and immediately went on YouNow. For the first few minutes, Hunter was dancing around but then he suddenly cuts off the music.
"Ok guys so who is going to my meet and greet tomorrow in Phoenix?" Said Hunter.
The comments were going overwhelmingly fast with "ME!" And " I'm going!".
I commented " I'm going! :)"
Hunter starts calling out names from the comments.
" I can't wait to see you Kayla, Elizabeth, Jamie, Abby, Madison, Christina, Lucy, Adrianna..."
Wait hold up...........
Did he just say my name? OH MY GOSH!!!
I start freaking out. I can't believe he noticed my comment!
I'm EXTREME fangirling lol! That's something I'd thought I'd never do...
I watched the rest of his broadcast and realize it was late and that I should go to bed. I turned my phone off and went to sleep.....

Lucy's POV:
OMG it's the day! Sarah, Hannah, Kinsey, and I all are in my room, dressed in our matching outfits and ready to go. We put our tickets in our mini purses and head out the door. We all piled up in my mom's car and she takes us to the meet and greet.
"So girls, is there any guy that you're most excited to see?" My mom says.
"I can't wait to see Weston. He's my favorite!" Said Hannah.
"Corbyn is my favorite! Omg I hope he sings!" Said Kinsey.
"I really don't have someone that I'm excited to see or have a favorite. Really the only one I know is Hunter, even though you guys showed me the other ones." I said.
That as an absolute lie! I was probably more excited to see Hunter than any of the other girls.
We pulled up to where the meet and greet was to see there was already a long line.
"Ok have fun girls! Lucy text me when you need me to come back and pick you girls up." My mom said.
"I will. See you later." I said.
"Come on we need to hurry! The line is getting longer and longer every minute." Sarah said.
We pull out our tickets and stand in line. We started talking about random things when all of a sudden we see Corbyn, Weston, Blake, and Hunter come out of the door. They were talking to most of the people in line, but not everyone. I sure hope they talk to us! They started getting closer to us and my heart was pounding really fast. A big smile spread across when Hunter looked my way and made eye contact with me. I started blushing a lot and he smiled back. He stood talking to a girl for a few more minutes and looked at me a few more times. I stood staring at him hoping to make eye contact every time. After a few more minutes of him talking to other people, he finally walked near us and started talking to the girls in front of us. I looked at Hunter, hoping he would look at me again. Hunter took a quick glance at me and cut off the other girls and walked over to me. I felt bad for the girls he just cut off but the other boys kept talking to them. He stood directly in front of me and said "I have a question to ask you."
I stood staring for a second while my friends stared at me.
"What's your question?" I finally said.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the small cliffhanger... Good news is I'm writing the next chapter tomorrow:) I hope you guys are enjoying this so far.

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