Chapter 16

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Lucy's POV:
"It was a close call but the winner is..... BLAKE AND BRANDON!"
"Uggghhh!" I say.
"We were so close!" Hunter says.
We both are kinda disappointed, but that's ok. I still had the best time ever!
"It's ok Lucy, we will beat them next time!" Hunter says.

Hunter's POV:
Yes, I am disappointed that we didn't win the race, but somehow losing gave me a great idea. I can't see how I didn't think of this before! This is going to be great.

Wait.... It's time for Lucy to go home. I better have this planned out before we get to her house!

Lucy's POV:
"Hey guys! I know you guys are having a great time, but it's time to take Lucy home." Christine says.
"Nooo! I love Lucy!" Blake says while hugging me.
"Me too!" Corbyn says and joins the hug.
"Me three!" Weston says while also joining the hug.
"Hey guys, I hate to break it to you but I love Lucy more than any of you guys." Hunter says with a little giggle and hugs me too.
I laugh and hug everyone back.
We all start walking towards the limo.  I'm kinda sad that it's time to leave, but at least I have Hunter's phone number!
While walking, everyone stood in a line with their arms around each other. Luckily, Christine was behind us and took pictures and sent them to me. I finally have some cute pictures for my Instagram!
We all got into the limo and started talking about our day for a few minutes when Blake randomly says, "Lucy!! We all need your phone number so we can keep in touch!"
"Um ok.  Here." I say while handing Blake my phone.
"Just put your number in it. All of you can."  I say.
They pass around my phone and all put their numbers in it.
"Ok now text all of us so we can get your number." Weston says.
I texted all of the boys and made sure we had the right numbers. 
I can't believe that I have their numbers! I'm so gonna fan girl about this when I get home!
We listen to music and dance around in the limo for a little bit before they drop me off.

"Hey guys, I just got a call from the meet and greet manager. He told me to drop all of you guys off at your hotels except for Hunter and Brandon because they are going to their house." The driver says.
"Ok. How far away are we from the hotel?"  Corbyn asks.
"About 10 minutes." He says.
"Ok." Corbyn says.
"You better enjoy the last 10 minutes with us Lucy!" Blake says.
"I will. I'm sad that it's almost over."  I say.
"So are we!"  Weston says.
"This was so much fun today!" I say.
"Well now that you have our numbers, we should all meet back up again some time soon!"  Hunter says.
"For real! Let's do it!" Blake says.
"Yes!" I say.
We talk about what we should do together the whole way to the hotel.
"Ok guys. This is your stop." The driver says.
"Bye Lucy!" Weston says.
"Bye Weston!" I say.
"Lucy come here for just a second." Blake says motioning for me to get out of the car.
I walk out of the car and go up to Blake.
"What?" I say.
Blake all of a sudden wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.
"Thanks for making today such a fun time for all of us. We hardly get to go places without being noticed by our supporters. Today was awesome!" he says.
"Awe your welcome! I had fun too." I say while hugging him back.
After I hug Blake I walk back to the limo. 
"Bye guys!  I love you!"  I yell as they walk into the hotel.
"We love you too!"  They all say together.
I get into the limo and sit next to Hunter.
"How far away is our neighborhood from here?" I ask.
"About 20 minutes I think."Brandon says.
"Oh ok.  So, where are you guys going next?" I ask.
"Ummmm. I think we are going to San Francisco but nothing is official yet.  Phoenix was our last stop for a few weeks." Hunter says.
"San Francisco sounds fun! Maybe that's where we should all go to meet up again!"  I say.
"Yeah we should do that.  We just have to find places to go to." Hunter says.
"I don't think finding fun will be a problem for us." I say.
We both start laughing and decide to turn on music.
Everyone in the car is singing and dancing.  Man, I am one lucky girl.

Author's Note:
So what do you think will happen next? I have a short chapter coming up soon but it is going to be kind of a plot twist chapter........

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