Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV:
"So are you from around here?" Hunter asks.
"Yeah, actually I live in a small neighborhood here in Phoenix." I said.

The Ferris wheel stops when we reach the top.

"Really? I live in a small neighborhood here too! Which neighborhood do you live in?" Hunter asks very anxiously.
"I live in Trinity Subdivision." I said.
"Oh my gosh! So do I!" Hunters says quite excitedly.

I don't say anything for a few minutes. I'm shocked. I can't believe all this time Hunter has lived near me and I never knew about it!

"How come I've never seen you?" I asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.
"I live in the really big house towards the back of the neighborhood and we always travel a lot so we aren't home that much. We moved to Phoenix just a few years ago and never really talked to people in the neighborhood except for the people next to us." Hunter says.
"Oh. You live in the house that is towards the woods. The one kinda cut off from the rest of the neighborhood?" I say.
"Yeah that's the one!" Hunter says.
"Now I know why I've never seen you. No one ever goes back there." I say.
"Yeah. I've figured that out." Hunter says while laughing.

Hunter pulls out his phone and looks at a text. He grins and giggles a little and starts typing.

"You must have got a good text from your girlfriend." I say.
"Oh. I don't have a girlfriend." He says looking embarrassed.
"I'm just picking with you Hunter." I say smiling.
"I know." He says smiling also.
"I guess it was a pretty funny text." I say.
"Yeah it was pretty funny I guess." He says while looking up.
I don't know why he looked up....

I was trying to think of something to say. Why do we always have awkward silences!?

"Bet I can make you laugh more than a text..." I say.
"Oh yeah?" Hunter says.
"Here give me your phone." I says
"Ok, here." He says handing me his phone.
I put my phone number in his phone and put his number in my phone.
"Ok. Now you have my number. So when I think of a good joke, I'll text it to you." I say with a smirk and handing Hunter's phone back to him.
"Sounds good to me!" Hunter says.

As soon as I put my phone in my pocket I got a text. I look down at my phone and it says
"Get any good jokes yet?-Hunter"
I looked at him and he was laughing.
"See I told you I can make you laugh. I didn't even have to do anything!" I say.
"Ok,ok. I guess I can laugh very easily." Hunter says.
"I see that!" I say.

The Ferris wheel starts moving again and we stop talking for a few minutes.

Hunter's POV:
I cant believe me and Lucy live in the same neighborhood. That's so weird how that worked out. But, at least I can ask her to hangout more often and possibly see her everyday.....
I just need to figure out how I am going to ask her to hangout. I don't want her to think I'm coming on too strong.
I look at my phone and see I got a text from Blake saying:
"So, I hear Lucy lives near perfect is that!? Better make that move now!"

I smile and look up. Blake was right above us and was ease dropping on us.
That's when Lucy said something about a girlfriend. I made sure she knew I didn't have a girlfriend. Then after talking for a few minutes, she put her phone number in my phone and she got my phone number. Well, maybe she does like me like that. I need to find out a way to hangout with her because I think I really like her.....

Author's Note:
Sorry it's been so long! School has got me really busy lately...ugh I hate school! I just wanted to let you know about the whole neighborhood thing. I just made it up! So don't go to Phoenix looking for a house towards the back of Trinity Subdivision, cause it doesn't exist. I know someone will think that is when he actually lives, but it's not Haha.😂😂😂I hope you guys are liking this so far!

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