Chapter 6

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Hunter's POV:
As the show is getting close to an end, Blake and I get really excited about the surprise for one of the girls we talked to before the show. I talked to some really pretty ones, ones that were nice and funny, others I didn't really like. But, there was this one girl. She caught my attention as soon as I walked outside to go talk to some of the girls. Blake and I talked about the girls we wanted to choose and I convinced him to choose the girl I wanted. I can't wait to see her face when we tell her...

Lucy's POV:
Everyone was silent while Blake was talking. "Ok so we want to know if there is a Lucy in here? If your in here can you please come up on stage?" Blake says. I look around because apparently there is another girl named Lucy in here. No one moved.
Wait are they talking about me?
My friends look and stare at me. I start walking on the stage.
When I got on the stage Blake tells me to come stand by him and Hunter. I start blushing and walk over to them. Blake and Hunter put there arm around me and Blake says,"Ok Lucy, we have something very special for you. Are you ready to find out what it is?"
I look at Blake and say nervously,"Yeahh..."
Blake starts walking up toward the front of the stage motioning for someone to come over to him. Hunter is still standing beside me with his arm wrapped around me. He is holding me close and tight...which I didn't mind.
A man walks on the stage and hands Blake a poster.
Blake hands me the poster and says," You get this poster signed by all of us with special notes on it, all of our merchandise free, and... Are you ready for this?"
Everything goes silent again and my heart is pounding very hard.
"Tomorrow, all of us boys will meet up with you and you will get to spend the whole day with us, without anyone else! Just you and us. How does that sound?"
Blake holds the microphone up to my mouth and I say,"OH MY GOSH! That sounds great! Thank you so so so much!
Hunter pulls me in closer, hugs me, and laughs.
"Go watch the rest of the show with your friends and we will give you more details later." says Hunter.
I walk back over to my friends and they are all jumping up and down, super excited.
"I bet you're glad you joined the fandom now, aren't you?" Sarah says.

Hunter's POV:
When Lucy walked up on the stage I was so excited for her (and my self cause gosh she was cute!). When she walked up to Blake, I put my arm around her and Blake did too. I never took my arm off of her until she left to go back to her friends. I can't wait to spend a whole day with her tomorrow....

Author's Note:
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was really busy! I hope you guys are liking this. Don't you wish this would really happen at one of their meet and greets?

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