34. Ruins

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Each of us is born with the capacity to destroy

A defensive instinct carried in our blood

Or perhaps it is learned behavior

So subliminal we are blind to the ruins we create

You could explode at any time like a volcano

Despite your peaceful demeanor

Am I your Pompeii?

Will you bury me in the ashes of our infatuation

Until I am preserved in time

As the aftermath of loving too hard

I can only hope you won't


We are stuck in a crack on the sidewalk

Resting between friendships and relationships

Either of us too scared to declare where we stand

Mixed signals is the only language we speak

Your eyes constantly land on my lips

Satisfied whenever they form your two syllables

I nod in descrete permission

Silently begging you to cross the line of friendship

But you only smirk

As if I am an experiment giving desirable results


I've learned you don't trust yourself with your heart

Constantly paranoid you'll hand it to the wrong person

When you hold my hand you comment on its size

Smiling as you tell me you love the gentleness in my touch

Are you assessing my ability to hold your heart

Because I would never let it slip through my fingers to shatter on the floor

But you are aware of my ability to destroy


I'm fourteen, I know not the complexity of love

If I did I would give all I had to you

For now, will barely mumbled "I like you"s suffice

The thought of your hand resting on someone else's lower back

Makes me fearless

That I would rather admit my feelings than lose you to her

But when I see you my tongue swells in my mouth

Not allowing me to ask you if we are nothing more than possibility


I want to show you places that hold my heart

Days of youthful innocence on the first swing set I ever sat

Or the path where I scraped my knee while learning to ride a bike

I want you to take me to the spot you run away to

Or the ice cream shop where you met your brother for the first time

Because if you are a volcano

Make me your Pompeii

The city that saw beauty, and passion, and the insufferable pain of love

I will let you cover me in those ashes of infatuation

A warning and a mystery

Preserve me in time

When our love fades I will remain

The ruins of us showing we all have the capacity to destroy


{A/N}: Fourth round poem. The finals are on Monday against two others.

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