26. For Lexi

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"For Lexi"

A poem requested by my friend Lexi :)


Her mouth opened and out came cigarette clouds of grey

But in her eyes she saw the galaxy swirling in the morning air

Nicotine glazed eyes found the constellations

And formed diamonds into stars


In her haze she could feel him in her veins, her lungs,

Consuming every thought in her head

His hands ghosting over her body and trailing along her spine

Her hip bones covered in delicate kisses and whispered confessions

As they tried to recreate love with no words

Only low grunts and soft moans

But now he was only a figment of a drug induced dream


When she blinks she frowns because the clouds above her begin to drift away

And the stars that used to shine when he smiled were no longer bright

The galaxy seemed dull and lacking the beauty it once held when in her cigarette smoke


She sat there with a burning stick between her lips

Contemplating nicotine suicide while inhaling her poorly made decisions

Because he never loved the way her hair fell down her back

Nor the way her laugh filled the air with joy

Yet she always found the constellations in his eyes

And the smooth tones of his voice

Because it wasn't a cigarette or a blunt rolled in the passanger seat that made her head swim

It was his lips that caused her to see colors behind closed eyelids.


// Edited //

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