101. Questions from the Heartbroken

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does your heart drop every time you hear a skateboard pass your window because it reminds you of when you used to, or is that just me?

did you cry every night for a week? did you today?

did you wake up and forget what happened just to remember all at once? was it painful?

how did it feel to hear me crying your name?

why were you so cruel and cold?

have i ever hurt you? when? what did i do?

are you okay?

are you fucking her again, or are you with one of the other girls you were "talking" to? yeah, i found out about them.

what is it like to lie to me? is it easy?

what was it like every time i forgave you and you got away with everything?

tell me, what was it like to know you were taking advantage of me and since you said you did it knowingly, why?

was i a good girlfriend?

what didn't you like about me?

how does it feel to fall out of love?

have you reread my letters like i reread yours?

do you miss talking to me?

who is comforting you now?

do you even need comforting?

are you bottling everything up again?

who is being there for you for the things going on right now, now that I'm gone? (besides the breakup)

are you safe?

do you remember the last time you saw me?

do you still remember what i said about you being a good person and how you deserve so much? do you believe it? i do.

do you ever think about me?

do you wonder how i am or what i've been doing?

how are you and what have you been doing?

are you telling people what you really did to me or is it easier to say it was nothing?

do you honestly believe that you knew me well? i know you didn't.

how can someone truly be so selfish?

does hearing my name hurt the way yours does?

does my name taste bitter in your mouth the way yours does in mine?

do you have any idea how badly you hurt me?

when are you going to grow up?

are you as lonely as i am?

do you care?

why don't you care?

do you know that i'm "talking" to people too now?

do you know you aren't the only person who would ever want me regardless of how many times you made me feel that way?

why won't you apologize?

did your perfect little image survive?

do you ever regret me?

do you regret leaving me?

did you tear my heart off of your wall like i did to yours?

have you thrown away my letters and poetry yet?

did you notice i blocked you?

do you still want to be friends?

how are your friends, have you told them?

did your heart leap into a panic when you saw me the way mine did or did you not see me behind the wheel trying to get as far away from you as possible?

do you think i should hate you?

do you ever look around your room and remember when i inhabited your bed sheets?

is your kiss really as good as i remember it?

do you miss me?

tell me... did you ever really love me?

do you ever think about coming back?

are you ever going to talk to me again?

when did you stop loving me?

what's it like to not be heartbroken after the time we shared together?

do you have any questions for me?

did you leave anything unsaid?

why wasn't i enough for you?

did you notice the irony in the number, your favorite number, of questions i asked you because i still fucking care? 

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