67. Baby You're Not Mine

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your fingertips trail along my spine

like the shiver of anticipating excitement

when your exhales can be felt

teasing my lips with the idea of yours

it's the bliss of blushing after a gaze

and enjoying the breathtaking lust filled daze

why are you so alluring

you hold my attention more than i'll admit

and as sleep blankets our city

the feeling of being content for the first time

after months of loneliness

fills the previous hollowness

the mocking of the moon no longer hits my window

instead the stars are almost as bright as your eyes

underneath these street lights

but baby you're not mine

to kiss so softly my knees go weak

to be held by (even if you do it anyways)

yet you make sleep deprivation not seem terrible

my body can't be tired while you're awakening all my senses

shocking with the electricity of your touch

a rush i could grow familiar with

something about this feels like happiness

i don't feel jealousy or longing oddly enough

because what little part i have of you

is good enough for me

but i can't keep giving myself to you this way

you're still hers no matter what you say

baby you're not mine

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