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hello there,

it's been a while. i'm sorry if anyone has been waiting for more from this little showcase of my way too intimate feelings. i have a few reasons why my writing began to wane, i'm just not sure anyone will care to know. i'm not sure anyone will be reading this, actually. i know it's been quite some time so i'd be amazed if anyone has been waiting so long for me.

i'm not the same person i was in the very beginning poems and i'd hope i'm not the same writer. over the years i've deleted some, so this isn't a fully comprehensive collection of my embarrassing journey, thank god. with that said, here's a little update for you all if you care to read on.

i was planning to discard this account completely. but this afternoon, i had the oddest urge to come back. so if anyone stumbles upon this, let me know. should i come back? would you like me to? i feel rather alone on this platform because the friends with which i began writing beside have since moved on from this but for some reason i'm still drawn to it.

unfortunately for future me, i'm in the mood to overshare lately and i feel oddly comfortable here because at this point you've likely seen an alarming amount of my personal feelings (thank you, emo-phase of 2014). i would just feel a bit embarrassed sharing details no one asked for. you came into this looking for poetry, after all. but if the interest is there, i'd feel okay sharing a bit more of myself here like why i stopped writing, how i've grown as a writer and a human being, a bit more details on the vague but not all that vague events i write about in here, even who my poems have been about. so if there's anyone still reading who would like to get to know the sap behind these public venting sessions, let me know.

onto the actual poetry. i have some poems i've written in the past year or so i could update this book with if the demand is there. i do truly miss writing and i think i've had enough time to heal and fall back in love with the process. i thought of a concept even for this book and perhaps another. i've toyed with the idea of turning to novels.

so please, give me whatever feedback you have to offer. i'd greatly appreciate anything. at this moment i feel as if i'm talking to my own echo so i'd find it refreshing to add a new voice to this mix. thank you to anyone who has been waiting for me or simply stumbled upon this. maybe it's time to come back.

with love,


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