64. Another For Him

156 7 4

My heart is a messy place

But it is yours if you want it

I know I could never ask for your love

But you've always had mine

Something about the bittersweet glances we share

Keeps me falling deeper into this hole I've dug

None of the words I've ever written can encompass your laugh

And it clouds my senses when I feel your warmth

Your cologne clings to my clothes even after i scrub it from my skin

I need to let you go

But right now I can't


a/n: yikes this is literal trash. look at me writing as if i love someone when i haven't even had a relationship in two years lmao. and i write about the same things smh where did my originality go?

anyways, my dear andie and i have begun writing a story on their account (astrotyler yes go give some love pls ty) and mine parts are lowkey shit but it's fun to write so yeah if you wanna read that go for it. it's supposed to come out tonight i think? idk. yeah so thanks m8 because for some reason i've been ranked for like two days in a row and that makes me all emo so thank you thank you.

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