5. Who's your Crush?

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(A/N: Sorry for being lowsy on the updates. I've had some family issues and family celebrations. My cousin lost her baby the other day and my cousin Alexis got baptized yesterday. So its kind of like emotiionally unbalancing to be sad one day and then happy the next. I've been so busy with family things that I haven't had much time to type up chapters. I promise Absolutely Forbidden will be updated later today. Thank you for the support. Please read and enjoy this chapter. I made it extra long because I took extra long to post it. I love you all. xoxo)


5. Who's Your Crush?

"Yeah, I do, so?" He told me. "You wanna know who it is?" My heart beat sped up at his words. Did I really want to know who it was?

"Not at all." I turned away, pretending not to care.

He countered, "Liar."

"Yeah, well, I also like someone." I confessed to him with a deep red blush on my cheeks. Luke seemed a bit surprised at my statement, but then his gaze was directed at something behind me. I turned when I heard like something fell to the floor.

"I want to know who this guy is too, Lilliam." I froze as I heard Skip's voice. I didn't turn out of embarrassment. Had they been there the entire time? Did they hear our full conversation?

I turned towards them to see Daniel still looked angry. I panicked and ran away as fast as my legs could carry me. "Uh, sorry. I have to get home. I need to study for the big test." I wasn't exactly lying either. The government tests were going to happen tomorrow and I needed to be prepared.

"She left." James said. I could still here them as I got farther away.

Skip groaned, "Its all fucking Beau's fault. He's the one that was glaring at her."

I looked back to see Luke was staring at me without saying a word. Beau sounded as if he were offended, "Me? You're the one who was yelling."

I stopped when my legs began feeling like jello and I was very tired. I needed to catch my breath and calm down. It felt stupid to run away from them, but I also didn't feel at all comfortable around them.


"Miss Pierce?"

I sat in my usual seat in math class, gazing off at the ceiling, daydreaming. The only thing on my mind at the moment was Luke Brooks and I didn't know why. I found it completely strange that he could like someone. To me, he looked like he was the type who would rather be single and alone. Before, with his former appearance, he looked like a nice guy, but I couldn't imagine a girl actually wanting to be with him now.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and was snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey Lilliam, professor Pierce is calling on you." Jason told me.

I laughed nervously, "Sorry Professor. What is it you said?"

She smiled wide at me. I was her favorite student. She likes me so much she even tried to set me up with her son once, but I said no because I was infatuated with that delinquent. The good thing out of this is that her son got a girl pregnant and I luckily dodged that bullet. Having a kid is not in my plans yet. I found the whole situation a lot more awkward because we have the same last name. Imagine if her son and I had got on. I'd be Lilliam Pierce Pierce. "I was just telling the class that you're our top student for the government test again." She beamed with joy. To her it was like her daughter was top student. She'd always tell people she was my aunt.

I remembered my sort of  date with Daniel. We studied at the library for this test. I wondered how he did on his test.

Professor Pierce continued, "As homework, I want you all to correct any answers you got wrong. I especially want you all to work on number seven. Every single one of you got that one wrong."

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