4. Exposed

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(A/N: Hey guys. I wasn't going to update any of my stories until tomorrow or Thursday because of family issues...My cousin Mari lost her baby and my family is very upset about it. But since the chapter was already written up for this story, might as well post it. Thank you to all the people on ig who said these really nice words of support to me. It meant a lot. I can't thank you all enough for being there for me. You all are amazing. This chapter is dedicated to all of you. xoxo)


4. Exposed

**Third Person POV**

The three Locke boys who had spotted their leader with the President of Elite Way decided to find out if there was anything going on between them, anything they didn't want anyone to know about. That morning, they followed Lilliam Pierce, watching her every move. "Lilliam Pierce, top student, beautiful and president of the Elite school." James said, while taking a bite from the doughnut he was holding in his hand.

"She's super popular and pretty." Beau added. "Why would she go for the gang leader?"

Skip, who was peering through the edge of the fence, with the other two leaning on him said, "You two are heavy, stop leaning on me!"

Daniel shifted and they all fell forward with a crash, just as Lilliam was walking by. She was surprised to see them and Beau smiled casually at her. James and Beau got up and started running for dear life. "Let's get out of here!"

"Hey!" Skip called out, and got up slowly. He had taken the weight of both of them during the fall and it was painful. He turned from them to Lilliam as she watched everything in surprise. He stood there, frozen in front of her.

She raised her slender hand up to his face and ran her fingers across his cheek. "Your skin is grazed here. You're bleeding." She told him; he blushed madly all the while. She pulled her hand away from him and went to get something from her side bag. "Please wait, I have a handkerchief you can have." She pulled a pink cloth with heart designs and was bringing it close to his face when someone stopped her by grabbing a hold of her wrist.

"Don't stick your nose in other's business, Miss Elite Way." When she looked up at Skip, she noticed he was on the floor and Luke was the one who had grabbed her wrist. He was standing over Skip.

She began blushing and said, "I'm not sticking my nose in the business of others!"

"My Locke students have nothing to do with you." Luke stated.

"I was just trying to help him. He's bleeding. Just because he doesn't come to my school doesn't mean I have to ignore him." She countered.

Both Luke and Lilliam turned their attention towards Daniel when he asked, "Are you two friends or something? The other guys and I saw you two together last night, under the Boab tree."

"What?" Lilliam replies, looking suspiciously nervous.

Luke went towards his friend and set his hand on his shoulder sharply. Daniel winced. Luke pulled him away towards the delinquent school and told him, "Come on, let's get out of here."

As they walked off, into their own school, Lilliam could hear Daniel complaining to his bestfriend, "At least give me the handkerchief. I'm still bleeding."

"No." Luke replied.

"So that's Lilliam Pierce, huh?" Daniel muttered to himself, looking back at the beautiful girl from Elite Way.

*Lilliam POV for the rest of the chapter*

"The student council meeting is finally over." Sky sighed. The three of us walked together, out of the main school building.

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