8. Holiday Vacation Ep. 3: The Mystery of the Other Brother

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(A/N: New chapter of Elite Way for you all. I wish I could write a longer author's note. But I really need to get of this computer chair because my back is killing me. I've been sitting on it all day, typing this chapter up. I had a bit of a writer's block this morning, but its all fixed. Thank you for reading. Love you. xoxo)


8. Holiday Vacation Ep. 3: The Mystery of the Other Brother

I paced around my room, worrying about dinner with Luke's parents and my parents' reaction to Luke's presence. He wasn't the most likeable guy and his delinquent style was surely something my parents were to disapprove on. And then I had the problem every girl has when she looks into her closet. "I have nothing to wear." I sulked as I looked inside the closet I was sharing with Savannah while we're on vacation here.

Savannah was on her bed laying down, with her white iphone between her two hands, typing away with a dumb smile on her face. She'd better not be talking to one of the boys. She turned to face me with a reassuring smile. "Wear a nice dress. I'm sure Luke's dad won't be paying attention to what you wear anyway."

"But he's coming to pick me up. What if mum and dad want to meet him?" I said in a worried tone.

"Well then they'll meet him." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Some help you are." I said and then muttered. "Since its not James coming here to pick you up and potentially a victim of mum and dad's interrogation."


I wore a knee length, floral black summer dress with black flats and curled my black hair. I wore very little make-up and then spent about an hour waiting for Luke to arrive. I knew he said he'd come get me at six, but I wanted to be there when he knocked on the door. Maybe I could get him to stay outside so my parents wouldn't meet him.

Mum asked me why I was dressed up and I told her it was a surprise. She wanted me to tell her more, but I refused.

When I heard a knock on our door a few minutes before six, I jumped up from my seat on the couch and practically ran towards the front door. I opened it slowly and went into shock when I saw him. He looked nothing like he does now, but rather he looked like the Luke Brooks I met at the entrance exam. His hair was dyed dark brown, his lip piercing was nowhere to be seen and he was dressed like a typical Elite boy with dress pants, button up blue shirt with a vest over it and fancy shoes.

"L-Luke?" I asked in surprise.

"Who is it at the door?" Mum asked and I heard her footsteps coming closer. When I felt her presence right behind me, she asked in a joyful tone. "Who is this young man?"

With the most impressive manners I've ever heard from a delinquent, Luke smiled at her, instantly winning her over. "Good afternoon Mrs. Pierce. I'm Luke, your daughter's boyfriend."

Mum seemed confused, "Lilliam hasn't mentioned anything about having a boyfriend."

I turned to her with a nervous laugh. "I was going to introduce you and dad to him before we came on vacation, but there was no time. Luke's family just happened to be vacationing in Mexico too. He's an Elite Way student." I really hoped and prayed she wouldn't notice I was lying to her.

"Who's at the door?" I heard dad's voice and I froze up.

"Dad's gonna kill me." I muttered. My dad is one of those dad's who gets jealous when his daughter has a boyfriend, or even a friend who happens to be male.

"Your dad will love him, sweetie! He's so sweet and polite and he looks like he's from a good family." Mum cooed. Then she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, into plain sight of my father.

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