Bonus: Elite Way Game

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Elite Way Game

A/N: Hey guys! Yeah, Elite Way is over now, but remeber on the schedule I put Sunday as 'bonus'? So this is the surprise I have for you guys :D So basically what you do is answer the few questions to the best of your knowledge and then you will be placed into either Elite Way, Holmes Road, or Locke #7. I know I haven't really introduce Holmes Road into the story, but it will definitely make an allearance in Melbourne Elites. Anyway, I took the test and I ended up placing into Holmes Road. Hehe. Take the test and then comment which school you were olaced into in the comment section below! Thank you for all the support you gave Elite Way, I hope you continue reading my stories and enjoy them!




1. Do you live in:

(A) A mansion

(B) A large house

(C) A small house

2. Which color blazer would you prefer?

(A) Red

(B) Navy Blue

(C) Black

3. Would you rather:

(A) Study & Do School Activities

(B) Just do the school activities

(C) I don't care about school

4. Would you date a delinquent?

(A) Never

(B) Eh...maybe. Most likely not

(C) Delinquent or Elite, I'll date them anyway if I like them

5. Are one or both of your parents:

(A) Executives, Politicians, Singers, Actors

(B) Doctors, Lawyers, Professors

(C) Any other job

6. Have you ever gotten in trouble?

(A) Never

(B) Once or twice

(C) All the time

7. Do you like school?

(A) Yes, Its my favorite place after my own house

(B) School is fun sometimes

(C) I don't see the point in going, we never do anything

8. Do you take pride in your school?

(A) Always. We're the best.

(B) Sometimes, when we beat our rival school

(C) I'm just here because I have to attend a school and no others will accept me

9. Is your car:

(A) Brand new

(B) Used

(C) What car? I walk or penny board it to school

10. Would you rather attend:

(A) Elite Way Academy High School

(B) Holmes Road Academy High School

(C) Locke High School #7

11. Who would you rather have leading your school?

(A) Lilliam Pierce, President of Elite Way.

(B) Bethanny Quinn, President of Holmes Road.

(C) Luke Brooks, Leader of Locke #7.



If you answered mostly A's: You most likely belong at Elite Way. You come from a wealthy family who is taught to become leaders of the new generation. Elite students are exceptionally smart and also excell at sports. Elite Way students may come off as arrogant and rude sometimes, but deep down they're normal teenagers. They are always expected to be the best of the best at everything and anyone who attends Elite Way goes on to do great things in the future because its what they've been taught to do. The Elite Way chain of schools is known throughout Melbourne, and even Australia, as the very top school. Elite Way students aren't very tolerant when it comes to dealing with people of lower social classes than them. Elite Way students aren't very united. People who claim to be the best of friends, may later on backstab each other if it means they can save themselves from getting into trouble.

If you answered mostly B's: You most likely belong at Holmes Road. You probably come from a family of new money or the upper middle class. You are a student who most likely attends Holmes Road because you weren't able to pass the entrance exam for Elite Way and the second best option was Holmes Road because its the second best in the country. Holmes Road students are very smart, but are always just one step behind the Elites, causing a rivalry to spark between both schools. Holmes Road students are expected to do well in the future and the vast part of them grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or college professors. Holmes Road Academy has a good reputation and is known throughout Melbourne, but always comes second after Elite Way. Holmes Road students are more tolerant and accepting than Elite Way students, but it takes them a while to get used to others who are of different social classes.

If you answered mostly C's: You most likely belong at Locke #7. You may come from any type of family whether it be wealthy, new money, middle class or poor. You are the type of person who doesn't care about school and only wants to have fun. You were most likely placed in Locke #7 because you've been in the other Locke schools your whole life or maybe because you didn't pass neither Elite Way's or Holmes Road's entrance exams. You probably didn't even try to pass them anyway. The Elites treat you bad sometimes but you don't care, if their words ever do get to you, you know you can easily beat them to a pulp. You attend the school with the worst reputation in the country because no other schools will take you in due to your past records of getting into trouble and having bad grades. Students who attend the Locke schools aren't expected to go very far. They are expected to become thugs, robbers and end up in prison. If they ever do get a job, it is expected that it will be a job along the lines of McDonalds employee. Locke kids are very secluded and only trust each other.

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