9. Holiday Vacation Ep. 4: Fake Relationships

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(A/N: Hey guys, sorry for taking long to update. As many of you know, I've started school and I really want to focus on that. I'll still be updating my stories, just not as often as I used to. I hope you continue reading. Thank you for your support. xoxo)


9. Holiday Vacation Ep. 4: Fake Relationships

To: Luke
My parents want to meet you.
Sent: Dec 22, 2011

From: Luke
What if I don't want to meet

Received: Dec 22, 2011

To: Luke
You have to. I met your dad!
Sent: Dec 22, 2011

From: Luke
I never said I'd do you a
favor if you did me one.

Received: Dec 22, 2011

To: Luke
Be down by the pool by
3pm -.-

Sent: Dec 22, 2011


My family and I took the elevator down to the lobby and then I led them towards the pool. We sat on some of those beach chairs they had set up for the hotel guests and waited for my boyfriend to arrive.

We were there for fifteen minutes before he came into our sight. Again, he was wearing Elite boy clothes and his hair was dyed dark brown. He also had no lip rings. It made my smile to see him this way. My mum also smiled wide when she saw him. But my dad and Savannah had different reactions. My sister looked like she was looking at a whole new person, while my dad looked like he was already thinking up reasons to hate Luke.

"Is that Luke?" Savannah asked me, awestruck.

I nodded with a grin. "Yep."

When Luke was close enough, he waved at us with a smile forming on his lips. His friends were nowhere to be found. He walked to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist, but I scooted away. He faced a way from my parents and asked me, "Does your dad not like that?" I nodded my head and he grinned, snaking an arm around me once more.

"Hey Luke." Savannah waved awkwardly at him.

He shot her a grin and then turned back to face my parents. "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Pierce." He shook their hands with his free hand. My dad looked at us with a scowl. Luke ignored it and suggested to us. "May I invite you all to my suite? We can have dinner there."

"Sure." Mum agreed excitedly while my dad stayed quiet. Then she asked him, "Are you here with your parents?"

Luke shook his head no. "My parents are divorced. So my mum stayed back in Australia. My dad is here on vacation with his new family and he invited my brother and I, but he's off in a different hotel."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Mum said to him.

Luke was the one who didn't say anything now, but he turned around and gestured for us to follow him.


He opened the door to expose a very luxurious hotel suite, probably the most luxurious in the hotel.

Everything had a nineteenth century look to it and the decoration and furniture seemed to be very expensive. It looked like he was living in a palace. The first thing my dad asked when we entered the room was, "What does your dad work in?"

Luke replied in a bored tone, as if his dad's job weren't so important. "My dad's the CEO of Orion."

My dad's eyebrows were raised in surprised. "Orion? Do you mean the electronics company? I don't believe it!"

"This is one hundred percent legit, sir. My dad founded Orion with his best friend when they were in college." Luke told him.

"I thought Michael Smith only had one son." My dad stated.

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