10. Holiday Vacation Ep. 5: Baby, Its Cold Outside

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(A/N: sorry for taking extremely long to update this story. I've been super busy with school and its been hot here in los Angeles. When its hot, people have no energy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Yes, I named the chapter after the song. I love you all. xoxo)


10. Holiday Vacation Ep. 5: Baby, Its Cold Outside

Christmas Eve soon came around and we were still enjoying the warm Mexican weather of Playa del Carmen. Luke was making Diego work like a slave, but despite being the occasional asshole, he allowed Diego to take the day off.

He told me he was going to spend Christmas Eve with his dad and his new family, but he didn't seem to excited about the whole thing.

He even invited me, but I needed my parents' permission, which I probably wasn't going to get.

There was a knock on my door in the early afternoon. I was watching Spanish Christmas programs with my mum and sister, already dressed up for an evening with my family. Mum likes for us to get more interested in other cultures and she thinks its good for us to watch TV in another language. When she heard the knock, mum got up from her seat on the couch and went over to the door, opening it up to reveal and Elite boy Luke.

"Hello, Luke." My mum grinned. "Please come in."

I got up from my seat on the couch and ran over to him, pretending to be a happy girlfriend who loved her perfect Elite boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. His arms went around my waist and I said in my happiest tone, "Hey, Luke. I missed you."

"I missed you too, babe." He smiled confidently. When we pulled away, he moved to stand next to me with an arm around my waist and asked me, "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?" Mum asked us.

I was confused as well. I had no idea he was planning on taking me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked Luke.

He replied, "We're spending the Eve at my dad's place. I told you about this." His eyes pleaded for me to agree with him.

I gasped, pretending I'd just remembered something. "That's right!" I exclaimed, "You told me about that."

He chuckled a perfect, melodic sound escaping his soft lips and running a hand through his fake brown hair, he said, "I told you a few days ago so you'd let your parents know." He turned to my mum and asked her, "Is that alright, Mrs. Pierce?"

My mum made a face of uncertainty, but immediately perked up as I noticed an idea came to her mind. "You have my permission, but take  Savannah with you. I'll tell your dad I sent you guys to the lobby for dinner so we could spend some alone time together. Don't be out too long, I trust you, Luke." She said to him with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Pierce." He grabbed a hold of her hand and kissed it.

Savannah quickly got up and followed us out the door. We went to Luke's suite first. Apparently, Skip and James didn't plan on going to Mr. Smith's suite, but now they had to go because Savannah wanted James to keep her company. I needed to ask her what the deal with James was, but I was going to have to leave that for later.


The six of us waited outside for someone to open the door after Luke rang the doorbell. This time, a teenage girl opened the door and I knew she was Ashley, Victoria's daughter. She looked identical to her. She looked about my age, maybe one year younger.

Her hair was blonde and it looked as if she had curled it with an iron. She had big blue eyes that shone like diamonds and pink lips. She was like a mini Marilyn Monroe.

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