12. Holiday Vacation Ep. 7: Don't Let Me Down

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12. Holiday Vacation Ep. 7: Don't Let Me Down

After getting some real sleep on my bed in my hotel room, I was well rested and ready to beat the crap out of James for corrupting my sister. They were all going to get a talking to and I wasn't going to hold back one bit.

I had Savannah come with me and we told our parents we were going to the pool.

We both walked toward the elevator, my feet clanked angrily on the carpeted floor of the hallway. I hit the button on the elevator and the doors opened almost immediately. We stepped inside and I hit the top floor button and the elevator took us to Luke's suite which took up the majority of the floor.

I went to the front door and knocked on it harshly. I heard rustling from inside and the door opened moments later by a disheveled Luke, wearing his regular delinquent boy clothes again. There were dark circles under his eyes and I knew it was either because he still hadn't slept or because of his recent fall into the darkness that drugs brought on. I sighed in frustration and pushed past him. "I'll deal with you later." I glared at him, then I looked around the living room of the suite and asked, "Where is James? Where are the other boys?"

Luke wiped his sleepy eyes and closed the door before replying. "They're in the room." His voice was slow and lazy.

Grabbing both him and Savannah by the arm, I pulled them down the hallway towards the bedroom. I opened the door to find Beau, James and Skip in their beds, watching TV lazily. "Good, you're all awake. I have something important to say."

"What is it?" There was concern in Beau's voice.

"You." I pointed at James in anger. "You corrupted my little sister. What the hell is wrong with you? She's only fourteen!" I shouted.

Savannah began. "I thought you got over this."

"No." I said. "If she gets pregnant, I don't know what you're going to do, but you're going to take responsibility for your actions."

James sighed. "I know."

"Don't yell, Lilliam, my head is killing me." Luke complained.

"And you." I turned my attention towards Luke. With all the anger within me, I threatened. "If I find out you are taking any type of drugs, I will personally beat you to a pulp with an aluminum baseball bat. Like...honestly, do you want to destroy yourself that badly? I don't want to be around a drug addict."

He challenged. "You're not my mum."

I agreed with him. "I may not be your mum. But I'm not going to watch you destroy yourself. You need to stop this nonsense if you appreciate my friendship." I turned to the remaining two boys. "And you two, if I see you getting way out of line, then our friendship is over. I want to be your friend, but I don't want drugs and bad things in my world."

"Angry Lilly." Beau joked.

"I'm serious." I said to him. Then my face softened, "I'm doing this because I care about you boys. I care about you too, Savannah." I said to my younger sister.


I was woken up at around six in the morning, by a strange sound emanating from the bathroom. It had been a week since Christmas and we were going to celebrate the New Year's eve with my family and Luke was probably going to be with his dad.

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