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Shots Fired

Jordan was carrying Kayla out she was shot in her left side blood running out.

"Its going to be okay Kayla just listen to me I'm going to get us out of here and the doctor is going to take care of you."Jordan was trying to keep talking to her so she can stay awake and didn't fade out.

The paramedics had grabbed Kayla and put her on the stretcher and strapped her in " Only family members can get on" said one of the paramedics

Another Gun shot went off.

Jordan looked back at Ms. Vicky "You can go head I'm waiting on my daughter to come out and this sick bastard that tried to kill my daughters. " Jordan was crying and he turned  Ms. Vicky to cry in her arms and then left in the paramedics. They waited for Trina to come out and Chop to come out. Chop came out in handcuffs and a shot in his leg and a little blood running from head " YEAH MUTHA FUCKA I'M STILL IN THIS BITCH LET ME GO. THAT BITCH DESERVED WHAT SHE GOT." Trina mother looked over at him looking disgusted to seeing him then it was time for Trina to come out. Her mother waited to see her daughter. The detective came out and shook his head  saying that "she didn't make it through " NOOOOO, NOOO, GOD NO, MY BABY , WHYYY JESUS" She cried out loud. "TRINNNA, MY BABBY." The detective came over to comfort her." I'm sorry for your lost." She slapped him  "DON'T TRY TO FUCKING COMFORT ME MY BABY WOULDN'T BEEN DEAD RIGHT NOW IF YOU DID YOUR FUCKING JOB. NOW LET ME GO SEE MY DAUGHTER"

Ms. Vicky walked into the building behind the shelves that were up and the lights where still flashing on and off. The police officers where standing around recording the scene and putting tap up and chalk lines over the body. Trina was still chained up and slumped over with a bullet in her head  with her eyes open. She cried over and over "GET MY BABY OUT OF HERE NOW. I DON'T WANT NOBODY TO SEE HER LIKE THIS." She cried on the detective shoulder then she start punching him and the police had pulled  her off of him. The detective cried too " I'm sorry , I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

The police men had escorted her out of the room.

The news van was pulling up and was getting the equipment out to get the story of what happen. Trina mother got back into police car and they where going to drive her back to the station to get her car.  She got back to the police station silently crying and got back into her car. She cranked the car and the sun changed from dark skies to rain just pouring down.  She was distraught from what just happened she was getting in the car to head to the hospital.  Driving on the highway she was just thinking about Trina and when she had brought her home from the hospital. Her feet was heavy on the pedal trying to rush over to the hospital to see what was going on with Kayla. She was getting more angry about why right now would God let this happen she wasn't suppose to be burring her child and her child is to bury her.  The tears couldn't stop from falling down from her eyes and the rain was pouring heavy and hail was coming down on her windows. Her car had slided as she was coming around the ramp narrow lane and the Anti- lock breaks was not  working while she was sliding she had slide left then right and the truck was approaching her and didn't notice her. The driver didn't see her the person was holding there head down. The truck driver had hit her and made her flip three times over the ramp almost into a light pole. The people from the highway got over in traffic to see if the other person was okay and  Ms. Vicky. One person had got close to the car and her air bags was exploded out. The man kneeling  down " Ma'am Can you hear me ? Are you okay in there?" he didn't hear her respond  so they kick the window open and shattered it so they could get Ms. Vicky out. They got to her and pulled her out she wasn't wearing a seat belt and little gas leak was coming out. The man had man laid her down onto the grass and she was unconscious.

"Oh my God look what I have done." he cried out loud limping away from his truck and  he was holding on to his knee and it his knee bone dislocated. He was still caring his phone. " I just  called 911 they should be on the way."  The man had tried revive her back to life that pulled her out of the car.  The traffic was moving slow and the man continued to do CPR. She wasn't coming back to life he had checked her pulse and it was nothing he could do anymore. "She have no pulse" everyone gasp and shook there head " I'm so sorry I was just checking my text messages"said the man with the dislocated knee.

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