Chapter 9 A special phone call.

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Chapter 9

A special phone call

 6 Months later

Police Station

 "Aye you got them prints From the walmart case of last year?" asked  officer Johnson

"Yeah I got them why ?"  said officer  Wilks.

"Because I was thinking that the same prints on this gun that we found 6 months ago goes right alone with that case."siad Officer Johnson. 

" Why do you want to open that case I mean that guy is a 2x felon he did the killing and kidnap also tourched the girl  which gave him his 3rd strike."

" All I'm saying is that he might have done it?" officer Johson shrug his soulder.

"What so you telling me you rather have a person back here on  the streets. Think about it would you  like some convict to be around your daughter?"

Officer Johnson shook his head.

"Good then you understand where I am coming from" wilks had patted officer Johnson on the back. "Alright then lets go get some donuts."


Back  at Kayla place.

"Who is my phat baby"  she was holding Jori in the air she was drooling down in her mouth."ewww" Jori that's nasty.

Jordan had came by to give her a kiss "Alright babe I gotta go!"

She turned around to  put Jori in her arms "Where are you going now?"

"I will come back later you know I'm going to pratice so I will be back by 12 am." said Jordan

"But you know you can't stay with the Jori I have to go to night classes this week?"

Jordan Shruged " You have to call the babysitter." he closed the door 

Jori start crying "It's alright Jori  daddy going to be back later." she was bouncing her up and down and she had grab her phone. "Three Missed called "Shit, what the fuck do he want." she had put Jori down in the baby bed and she had read the voice mail message " This is Chop and I wanted to know if you was coming  to see me?"

"Fuck that nigga how he going to call me from Jail anyway." said Kayla

She immeditaly got dress and called the baby sitter. "Hi Brittany I was wondering if you could come watch Jori I have to run to school tonight.

"Sure no problem can you give me 15 and I can come over."  said Brittany.

"Okay bye" said Kayla

"Bye" said Brittany.

"Damn I chip my nail." she had got Jori stuff ready for tonight everything she needed and the emergency contacts was on the wall.

15 Mins later someone was knocking on the door.

"Come in the door is open." said Kayla

"It''s me Kayla"  said Brittany

"Okay brittany come in and lock the door." Kayla was in the bathroom flat iron her hair.

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