Chapter 2 Until the end of time

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Chapter 2

Until the end of time

Jordan hopped up and seen the doctor coming out the surgery room. The Doctor came outside. "Yes is doing great and she should be up by tomorrow"

"How about the baby?" asked Jordan

"The baby is fine too and just let her rest for tonight and come back tomorrow"

Jordan shook his hand "Alright thank you so much Doctor" he was relieved from the stress." He had called Ms. Vicky too see if she was okay he didn't hear from her. The phone was ring until it had reached the voice mail. He called for his mother to come pick him up but she wouldn't come do it. So he caught a cab and he told the cab driver he will pay him he left his wallet in his car. The cab driver had got back to the old walmart building Jordan had got back  out the car remembering what was going on. He unlocked his car and gave the cab driver the money. I he drove back to the hotel room and washed the blood off from Kayla and when he got out he had called Ms. Vicky again she still didn't answer so he headed off to sleep to wake up early.

The next morning

Jordan P/O/V/

Today was graduation day. I was so happy my family was going to be there and I just glade school is over with. I was going by the hospital with a car and some flowers for Kayla room. She  was sitting in the room I'm too see her.


"Knock, knock" said Jordan. She was up eating a bowl of Ceral

"Hi" she smiled "What's up superman?"

"I came to check on your beautiful self."SHe smiled again Jordan came over and kissed her " Look I told the school you wasn't going to be able to come tonight to the graduation"

"Why not?, I just got shot I know last year a girl had a baby  the night before and she know  wanted to walk across that stage so that is what I'm going to do."

"Iight then Excuse me"said Jordan" Well, I still haven't heard anything from Ms. Vicky I called her all through the night and she didn't answer.

"She might just be crying over Trina"

"Yeah, that is sad.


Anthony in the police office

"I didn't kill that girl I promise you"

"Who killed her then ?" asked the detective?

"I don't know who killed her, but I know it wasn't me the lights was off and  I know me and old boy was  wrestling around fight for the gun then the gun fell down a few shots was fired that was true. Then I..." He  threw his hands up man just go ahead and take me to jail and I already know you not going to be live me. I did rape that girl and she having my baby that is all I'm going to say. Now take me to jail so I can finish my time.

The dedective waved for the police people to come in. They had cuffed him and  escorted him out.

"Just tell my baby I will see her when I get out" the police had pushed him forward.


Back at the hospital

"So do you want me to buy you something nice to put on ?"

"Yes I would love it" she smiled  " You know I need the whole nine. The hair done, the nails done everything did"

"Oh you fancy huh?" they both laughed.

"You know I love my women street and book smart" 

"Iight Drizzy"  she looked at Jordan

"You brought up that old song."

"She stretch? I got some months to go before my stomach start blowing up. 

" Yeah that is true I cant wait your having my baby it's like a dream"

She smiled as " Jordan had put his hands on her stomach"

"Hey I got something to ask you?" he sound neverous

"I know we have been through everything in life "

She shook her head " I know"

" When ridding in the ambulance I didn't now if I was going to lose you again. Kayla I want to spend every second with you"

"Get to the point Jordan"

"Wait listen to what I have to say.  I don't want nobody,but you I want my son or daughter to have a good family together and happy. I wont cheat and I will be right here beside you every step during the pregnancy." Jordan got down on one knee "So what I'm saying is  that will you marry me?" All the nurses where standing around watching them . "Can you give me an answer?"

Kayla was shocked at what Jordan was saying "I'm speechless right now I don't know what to say"

"Tell me you will say yes " she smiled

"Yes, Jordan , Yes baby I will marry you !" she had a big smile on her face with tears coming out. Jordan had came off the floor and jumped in the bed with her kissing her. " I love you" and everyone clapped

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